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Attn. Magnus Grey


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
So I went to the event last night. You know the sea battle in the harbor of Papua to repel the orcs and Apex from invading.

I spend most of my time in this game on my boat. No, I don't fish. I hunt other ships. Anyway, that event was pretty cool. Lots of death and chaos for a while before people got it under control. Fun. I'm being serious here.

I was one of the few who took my own ship with a small crew to help out in the battle. We did pretty good I think. Two of us got a pair of oars from the pirate's life boat and we had some hell of a time with that funky water elemental thing.

On the security of the Triumph; parking it just off-shore and setting security so that no one can drive it should secure the cannons. People could still get on the ship and have a look around, but the cannons would not be able to be disassembled out at sea. I am sure you will think of something.

One really good call you made was having it in that area near Papua. Big enough to move around, but not so big that people got lost. Loved it.

Please do consider having more sea-related events. My crew and I had a great time, as I said. It appeared that most in attendance did as well.

Great job!

EM Malachi

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
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Thank you for your feedback. It is always helpful when people take the time to tell us what worked and what didn't.

Boats and the ocean are such a big part of UO, and we certainly don't do enough events on the sea. This event was a good experiment even if it was a bit chaotic and problematic. We learned a lot from it and plan to try more sea events in the future.

--Malachi/Magnus Grey


Slightly Crazed
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Yah! More sea events!!! Thank you!