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[Discussion] Atlantic SCT Anniversary Wine Ruined?

Dryzzid of Atlantic

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If you happen to own a bottle of the old SCT One Year Anniversary Reserve, a Seer/IGM-created bottle of wine from 1998ish, please check the name on it. After the tweaks to the Bane/Ophid event went live today, the bottle I have in my possession is now named "A Bottle":

It should read: "A Bottle of Special SCT One Year Anniversary Reserve".

To check and make sure that it was not just this bottle, I visited the Moonglow Town Council Headquarters on Atlantic, where GreyPawn has his bottle on display for months, if not years:

Just a heads up for those of the Rares Community, especially Seer item collectors. I'm going to try to gain attention of a Dev here on the boards, but other than that I do not know what else to do here.

I would recommend checking your collections, especially if you own Seer items as old as the SCT wine, which like I said is from 1998 or 1999.

Dryzzid of Atlantic

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Update. I checked all of the Seer items in Lord and Lady Courage's museum on Baja, as well as many of the items in the Treasure Trove on Atlantic, no problems in either place.

BUT, the 2000 pink champagne bottles also only say "A Bottle".

So, blah.


Lore Keeper
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That is just horrible...

Atlantic doesn't have much seer history left so seeing that destroyed is just heartbreaking, hopefully they'll come up with a fix on that as soon as possible. Does GreyPawn know?

(Edit) *cough* He does now...

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic


Lore Keeper
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Starfire's UBB wine has been affected as well...

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic

Dryzzid of Atlantic

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If I recall correctly, a similar issued occurred sometime around 2004. It had something to do with those particular bottles being so old. Post-AoS bottles were always named "A Bottle of Whatever" with the property below the title "Full" or "Half Full", etc.

However, the pink champagne and old SCT and UBB wines are pre-AoS, so they were "A Full Bottle of Special SCT One Year Etc." or "A Half Full Bottle of Special SCT etc. etc." It was stated that those bottles "remember what they are, but don't display it properly because of pre-patch", or something to that extent.

When it occurred back then, my SCT wine was labeled "A Bottle of Wine" for months until the next patch came out, when it reverted it to the proper name.

Hopefully that will be the case this time around.


Lore Keeper
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Annnd the bottle of Yew SummerWine on display in the Glowing Orb on LS is also labeled "A Bottle".

So far as I can tell it just seems to be affecting Seer related drinkables.

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic


All my bottles of pink champagne (both types) are now also "A bottle." I think it is related to how containers of liquid are now displayed.

Will probably be a patch for it. Its amazing how they keep getting broken though :D

Maybe it would be possible to run through all items in the world at a server maintenance, find all bottles with a pink or purple hue and then change their "type" to a new item, which uses the same graphic as a bottle but doesn't react to changes caused by global bottle changes.


Grand Inquisitor
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My bottle of Pink Champagne as well as my bottle of SCT vintage are both currently ruined. They have both suddenly "gone AoS" as described above, so hopefully they will revert back in the next patch.

Tangled Metal

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Can you even get "a Bottle" with that graphic? I have a bottle that also reverted I think it was Captain Morgan Rum bottle. So, perhaps our new "a Bottle" is rare since you can't get one.