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Atlantic immigrant seeking roleplay guild.



Hello everybody. I recently returned to UO and decided to set foot in the shard of Baja and I want to join the roleplay community. I've roleplayed in the days of Europa's [ORCS] and in [BoC], and roleplayed as a lizardman with the vampire clan of Atlantic. I am starting anew on Baja, and I want to roleplay a simple 'neutral' aligned wizard type character.
If anybody has recommendations, please let me know!

Valek Typhoon

The Trading Company is always taking on new hands for their ships.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The BRPA is the alliance encompassing most of Baja's major RP Guilds: the New Magincian Trading Co., the Kingdom of Dawn, the Order of the Red Ankh, Queen Shieba's Alliance and more. You can find more information regarding the setting and lore here.

Welcome to our world.