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[Selling] (Atlantic) Human Blood, Brush & Wig -- HUMAN BLOOD SOLD !!!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran

This is an auction for 3 items listed below. There is a starting bid price, a buyout price for each item and a buyout price for all 3 items. ITEMS WILL DEFINITELY BE SOLD TO THE HIHGEST BIDDER OR BUYOUT BIDDER. There is no definite duration for this auction. The auction will end for each item when there is no bid for that item for more than 24 hours.

Item sold will be removed. If you are interest in all 3 items, there is a buyout price for that. But it has to be done before there is any item being bidded and won.

Example: If the Human Blood is bidded 100mil, but yet to reach the 24 hours cooling time, the buyout price is still eligible.

We are all mutual sellers and buyers, so please respect the prices I have stated. If you have any comments regarding the prices, please PM or ICQ 376222584 me, and not just post it here. I will really appreciate this.

The price in the first ( ) is the starting bid, and the second ( ) is the buyout price for the particular item.

1. Wig (50mil) (90mil)

2. Brush (250mil) (400mil)


The Buyout Price for the 2 items is 400mil.

The Human Blood was sold to the only bidder, since the bid stayed for more than 24 hours.

Thank you for bidding !!! :beer:

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: (Atlantic) Human Blood, Brush & Wig

May I suggest you require people to post their prices in this thread? That way it keeps your auction transparent and helps people be aware when someone may have outbid them.

I'll start the human blood at 160m *bows*


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Re: (Atlantic) Human Blood, Brush & Wig

Oh sorry, I may have misled everyone. Yes, you are supposed to place bids here, on the post.

Thank you.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Re: (Atlantic) Human Blood, Brush & Wig

Assia Penryn, you won the Human Blood !!! You bid is more than 24hrs. Please ICQ me when you can get this done. I am in the region 13 hours ahead of Eastern Time. Please ICQ me a date and time.

I will remove the item now. Thank you.