For sale on Atl or for shard with tickets - i need Europa:
Val day 2010 Rose x5
Val day 2010 Muffin Box x6 (4 empty)
Xmas ticket 2010 x6 (sure theres another one floating about)
Xmas ticket 2001 x1
13th anniversary ticket x1
Shadow items:spike column, shadow alter, obsidian rock x4, shadow pillar, spike post, shadow banner, shadow pillar
Crystal items:beggar stat, crystal alter, supplicant stat, crystal brazier, bull stat, crystal throne
20k of magical residue
6 relic frags
snow statue deeds x 3
round melisande hue xmas box
bright /green hue round xmas box
silver snake skins x3
boura pelt x4
undying flesh x17
eggnot pots x3
Tome of lost knowledge
cloak of corruption x 5
Flute of renewal undead x2
Flute of renewal demon x1
Fountain of life
Crafted soulforge
Bag of 72 (SEVENTY TWO) tokuno minor artifacts - various!
Pigs of Tok: pale orange x2, fresh rose x1, fresh plum x 1, deep brown x2, chaos blue x1, light green x4, pale blue x3, noble gold x 2
Small piece blackrock x2
PM or ICQ 176585183
Val day 2010 Rose x5
Val day 2010 Muffin Box x6 (4 empty)
Xmas ticket 2010 x6 (sure theres another one floating about)
Xmas ticket 2001 x1
13th anniversary ticket x1
Shadow items:spike column, shadow alter, obsidian rock x4, shadow pillar, spike post, shadow banner, shadow pillar
Crystal items:beggar stat, crystal alter, supplicant stat, crystal brazier, bull stat, crystal throne
20k of magical residue
6 relic frags
snow statue deeds x 3
round melisande hue xmas box
bright /green hue round xmas box
silver snake skins x3
boura pelt x4
undying flesh x17
eggnot pots x3
Tome of lost knowledge
cloak of corruption x 5
Flute of renewal undead x2
Flute of renewal demon x1
Fountain of life
Crafted soulforge
Bag of 72 (SEVENTY TWO) tokuno minor artifacts - various!
Pigs of Tok: pale orange x2, fresh rose x1, fresh plum x 1, deep brown x2, chaos blue x1, light green x4, pale blue x3, noble gold x 2
Small piece blackrock x2
PM or ICQ 176585183