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[ATL] Non-Sosarian Entity @ WBB

Deep Ellum Dan

Stratics Veteran
Anyone have clues about this? He lost his data pad during an Xorinite attack and he's looking for it. At the East Brit fountain, a data pad such as he speaks of exists. When checking the pad, it says
C1Y1A3Y2Z1A3X4 Y1X2Z2X5 Z5Z2Z1 X2Z4 C1A4X5 A4A3C4A4Y4Z1C1 X3Y1A3X2Y1A3C1A5
Repeating this text to the entity does nothing and I am not sure how to translate it if that's whats needed..

Let's solve this and see what we get. Snap350.png Snap348.png


Social Distancing Since '97
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Stratics Legend
Might have better luck on the Atlantic forum since its EM related.

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
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Stratics Legend
Here is what I know
Where ever the clue leads its suppose to be dangerous


Stratics Veteran
I've gotten nowhere with the code. I've tried digging up everything I could on wisp language etc. The code consists of the letters ACXYC and the numbers 12345. five numbers, five letters. anything ringing bells for the cryptographer peoples?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I noticed this. There are 7 sets of letters & numbers. All sets have even amounts of numbers & letters.

Set 1. 14 total, 7 letters, 7 numbers.
Set 2. 8 total, 4 letters, 4 numbers.
Set 3. 6 total, 3 letters, 3 numbers
Set 4. 4 total, 2 letters, 2 numbers
Set 5. 6 total, 3 letters, 3 numbers
Set 6. 14 total, 7 letters, 7 numbers
Set 7. 16 total, 8 letters, 8 numbers

No idea if this means anything. :) Will say this has been great fun! Thanks Bennus!

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Meh, probably the wrong thread but.. where did the EM Forum go? They scrap it? If so.. you know anywhere I can catch up on the past events and fiction?


Stratics Veteran
I have also tried talking to the entity by the Spirituality Shrine and repeating the code snooping around etc but to no avail. I haven't tried going to the other shrines yet to see if there are anymore entities in those locations.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
This was an event from 2 weeks ago and has since ended. Looks like Bennu cleaned up the "data pads" but hasn't cleaned up the Non-Sosarians. Not sure if he is leaving it up for another event but it would certainly be nice to stop the alien from spamming something from an old event.