Bo thinks that temp is horrid for siege.
1. You need 120 weapon anything else is a waste of your time.
2. Anat and heal on a stealther??? whats your dex gonna be remember this isnt prodo you dont have the suits to back up that dex.
3. Poising sucks, unless you poison a nubcake. You would be better served with 0 poison and use darts and stars to deadly poison, they will deadly at 0 poisoning with 120 ninja
4. 120 ninja is a must.
5. Paly what sorta skill is this?? Bo never heard of this.
Bo knows ninja and here are a few siege viable stealth templates.
Bo's Favorite
120 weapon
90 tact
120 stealth
100 track (60 point death strikes hahaha)
120 ninja
100 hide
70 med
now you need a fast bleed/ai weapon. Bleed is great Bo used a pitchfork dismount bleed deathstrike. this kills everyone. Bo stopped playing this becuase it was too easy.
Necro Ninja (Bo's second fav)
120 weapon
120 ninja
80 stealth
100 hide
120 ss
110 necro
70 med
need alot of good items to run this very costly. But revs, evil omens, pain spikes deathstrikes really kick arse.
Standard NubCake Stealther
120 weapon
100 tact could go 90
100 hide
100 stealth could go 80
120 ninja
120 bushido
60 med/chiv/parry could be 90, parry would be good here.
this is standard Boktemp good for siege and will work with any fast weapon to you can max out your int to run specials and deathstrikes.