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[Discussion] Asking for help...


Lore Keeper
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Greetings Everyone, I am working now on tracking down all of the Mesanna 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea creatures, so that I may update my database with pictures. Also if you have 1 of 1's ultra rare items please let me know as well.

If you have any of these items or know where they are located so that I may take pictures, please contact me @ ICQ 111891022. If you have the item locked down, please help me and make sure it is not buried, or covered by any other objects or walls, and also that it is on a background that is easy to separate the image from.

****If you choose to lend me the item so that I may create a background suitable for the picture DO NOT GIVE ME THE ITEM UNLESS YOU VERIFY IT IS ME VIA MY ICQ 111891022 BEFORE CLICKING THE WINDOW. I do not wish to endanger anyone's items. I WILL NEVER ASK FOR THE ITEM in game WITHOUT VERIFYING IT IS ME ON MY ICQ- PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK MY NUMBER. ---- 111891022****

I appreciate pictures set to me, however, I am very particular about the pictures, I would like to maintain high quality PNG's and a clear picture of the "Tag" as well. Otherwise my preference is to take the pictures myself. If the item is animated I like to animate it on the database and would need several pictures to catch each frame.

Thank you everyone for your help!
Lady Deca


Crazed Zealot
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Olchere's castle has around 10 of them

Mystry of Drachenfel's (you can access the telepad at the east exit luna house) and just bounce around till you hit her castle, she has 4-5 of them (sea snake, sea lettuce, baby tidal wave, and couple of others)

My castle has the sea slime and lost oars.

Madison has the same sea snake and baby tidal wave.

Lania on Baja has 6-7 of the fish but she has it stored away in her box somewhere renovating

Nails has the slug and a few others.

That's about 90% of the images.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Enormous Barnacled Remains is locked down on the first floor of Merchant's Corner on Chessie, marble-style house on the Luna inner track, south-west corner.

I know I saw a good number of them in a Luna house, also inside track, in that same corner on one of the Japanese shards, though I cannot recall which one offhand. I'll edit it in if I happen to see it again.

Edit: It was on Hokuto. (See my reply in the 'How Many...' thread for directions.) Looks like he's stored them all away though; there's a new set of stuff on display since last I looked.

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Always Present
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I have a barnicle in my museum on Catskills.
Somday I will have them all.

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
I have what is hoped to be the second and last sea lettuce.
Here's a picture in case you need one.


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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Stratics Legend
Toad Town also has the Water Frog:

Water Frog.JPG

And here are the unique 1 of 1 items that I myself own:

1) Kodex De Vas Ski (Open Book)


2) Mesanna's Whip (whip)


3) A Crystal Idol Of Pthorath The Fallen Spider Princess (Blue Spider)


4) A Finely Crafted Blackaxe Weapon (axe)


5) Master Archivist (book)


Hope this helped!! :)


Lore Keeper
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Thank you guys. I must apologize for being quite demanding, but I am trying to keep as best as possible high quality and uniform pictures on ultimarares as possible. That is to create pictures without backgrounds and to create png pictures clear and with tags

For Example:

I will bug you sometime this week Bon Iver, and ask to retrieve a pic without the benches around your awesome sea lettuce!!
Thank you as well Alexander for the pics I will stop around Toad town and try to get these items up !!

Thank you all for your help with my project!!!:heart:


Lore Keeper
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I must add that since I have started my project so many people have been so helpful trying to help me with information, keeping me informed and up to date, and allowing me to bother them relentlessly! This is what makes me love being apart of this rares community so much and I can't thank you all enough!