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As running canidate

Baron Arkon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Upon request, I was asked what will transpire during my term if elected.

As an elected Governor, I have agreed to peace talks to the surrounding nations of Yew. In hopes, that the beautiful forest and land shall become sanctuary for all.

I will, and have already taken measures to, restore the Knights of Yew to their former glory.

Elected or not, The Citizens of Yew have already put in motion to hold the Festival of Grape this summer. As well, the Citizens of Yew have started gathering supplies, maps and the needed gear to begin regular community Corgul runs that will also begin after elections.

This, and more, I plan to uphold during my term and longer. So long as Yew stands The citizens of Yew, even those of opposing alignments, stand united in the end.