With stone now weighing 1 stone instead of 10 and stacking, and with the small change to garg picks (and availability of garg picks and prospector's tools to help with ore manipulation), I think I can say that mining in UO is just about perfect.
I can't think of anything I would change. The drop rates for everything feels good and it's enjoyable for me to be building up a supply of a "new" (in the sense that it is now stockable and will have new uses) resource that drops a little slower than normal (so that getting a thousand or more feels more like an accomplishment than a minimum acceptance rate per run).
And to top it off, while I know it's been slow coming since I haven't macroed the crap out of Smithing to do it, instead just let gains happen as I filled BODs, my main miner/smith finally reached Legendary status.
Now I have to make room for embueing since right now he has:
100 Arms Lore
100 Mining
120 Smithing
100 Tinkering
75.7 Magery
80.6 Swords
90.1 Tactics
The question will be can I do it and still be able to fight ore elems or will I want to leave that to a different miner character.
Time will tell, but I look forward to embueing in the meantime.
Anyway, as it is, for resource gathering, mining is just fine.
Well done Devs.
With stone now weighing 1 stone instead of 10 and stacking, and with the small change to garg picks (and availability of garg picks and prospector's tools to help with ore manipulation), I think I can say that mining in UO is just about perfect.
I can't think of anything I would change. The drop rates for everything feels good and it's enjoyable for me to be building up a supply of a "new" (in the sense that it is now stockable and will have new uses) resource that drops a little slower than normal (so that getting a thousand or more feels more like an accomplishment than a minimum acceptance rate per run).
And to top it off, while I know it's been slow coming since I haven't macroed the crap out of Smithing to do it, instead just let gains happen as I filled BODs, my main miner/smith finally reached Legendary status.
Now I have to make room for embueing since right now he has:
100 Arms Lore
100 Mining
120 Smithing
100 Tinkering
75.7 Magery
80.6 Swords
90.1 Tactics
The question will be can I do it and still be able to fight ore elems or will I want to leave that to a different miner character.
Time will tell, but I look forward to embueing in the meantime.
Anyway, as it is, for resource gathering, mining is just fine.
Well done Devs.