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Artisan Festival..


Crazed Zealot
A little silly question:
Is there a link somewhere about the festival and how to use it to get gifts? Also how can you tell the points on the tree and how many more points needed to complete it? Does it make any difference how many contributions of BOD's you donate?
Ty in advance.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Players on LS see a % but I do not know how they see it. Must be in EC.

If the tree has a star you can put a small BOD on and get a gift for each toon that puts 1 BOD on.

If no star UO decides by RNG and the amount of points the players put on as to who gets a gift. More points = more chance.

I think your shard has had a star each time. You have wasted a lot of opportunities for a gift.


Is there a chart somewhere that shows what kind of BOD gives how many points (large, small, exp v non, mat type, ect.)?


When you turn in a BOD to the elf, he gives you a brief message like "It looks like the tree if about half-way to the next stage" or something like that. I wish we had more specific info; I know the last stage before the star seems to require more BODs than prior stages. Maybe it's just psychological as we're excited to pop that star, but it seems like each stage gets harder.


Crazed Zealot

Players on LS see a % but I do not know how they see it. Must be in EC.

If the tree has a star you can put a small BOD on and get a gift for each toon that puts 1 BOD on.

If no star UO decides by RNG and the amount of points the players put on as to who gets a gift. More points = more chance.

I think your shard has had a star each time. You have wasted a lot of opportunities for a gift.
Nice! Tyvm for link. Is the wiki searchable?


Crazed Zealot
Do all the designated cities get small tree that can grow with
BODs same time, or the trees are one after the other, and how do you know which one is next to build in that case? Tyvm.

Lord Telchar

Do all the designated cities get small tree that can grow with
BODs same time, or the trees are one after the other, and how do you know which one is next to build in that case? Tyvm.
One city at a time (3 days). It's shouted by Tower Crier which city is currently active. For this year the cities go round in reverse alphabetical order. Yew -> Vesper -> Trinsic -> Skara Bare - > New Magincia etc.....


Crazed Zealot
Great info. Thank you.
Interesting..Also the same city then has the active tree in all shards? Or different cities have active trees depending how they have progressed, since some shards do their trees much faster than others? (Another silly question, but I would assume the latter..) Ty again.
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