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Artisan Festival 2022 - City Order?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What's the order of cities for this years Artisan festival? It appears to have started in Yew...

Thanks, Lador


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
  • Britain – East Britain Park
  • Jhelom – East of The Pearl of Jhelom
  • Minoc – West of The Matewan
  • Moonglow – East of the Scholar’s Goods
  • New Magincia – The Gazebo
  • Skara Brae – South of the Healer of Skara Brae
  • Trinsic – The Park
  • Vesper – East of the Fisherman’s Guild
  • Yew – East of the Yew Healer
The order reverses every year so if it's in Yew this year it will go bottom to top, next year it will start in Brit.