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Arrr, Safe Passage by the skin o' their teeth!!

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It was a warm and sunny day in Haven as people gathered to offer their assistance to Tobby, the Keeper of Memories, who was entrusted with a mysterious memory retrieved during the recent battle in Doom ...

Tobby climbed down from the apple tree he had found as a soft respite and was pleased to see so many people who wanted to assist him. He spoke of the 'plan' to travel to the mainland where a generous offer had been made to secure the memory into a safe castle location ...

However warnings were also announced because the 'eyes' were still watching him and the best way to reach the mainland would be by sea ....

After several boats were loaded with 'memory defenders' they were off but smooth sailing was called to a halt when the boats were attacked by PIRATES ....

It was time t' batten down the hatches because blimey the buccaneers war e'erywhar and ready t' strike anythin' in their way ....

Tobby climbed the crow's nest and directed the boats further north but the buckos pursued and the battle was on!, argh!

From the man-o-war ship we heard a pirate captain say ... 'dead men tell no tales' .... and for 'any capti'es they would hang'im from the yardam'

These scallywags war non endin' and had the breath o' aged rum...

O'er the water a cry from one o' the other boats rang out .... man o'er board!!, argh! The fighter had been captured by these scur'y dogs. Quickly the coordinates war passed from ship t' ship in order t' sa'e the warrior from certain doom.

As quick as the crow flies the closest boat boarded the pirates ship whar the capti'e was bound and rescue was swift at the hands o' those wieldin' the strong cutlass.

The pirates seemed t' have engaged a few pri'ateers t' help them scuttle the ships but the protectors war resiliant and worked like a well oiled machine ....

Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty the dogs cried out t' the fighters but swiftly the bra'e ones boarded the ship and took what treasures they found t' share ...

Gar, Where can I find me a bottle o'rum? .... Aye, me parrot concurs.

Ahoy, land ho the shore was in sight!!, argh! The bra'e fighters and mostly land lubbers had escorted Tobby safely t' the mainland o' Bucs Den ....

The journey was not over. The travelers needed to quickly get Tobby away from danger and the memory gem he held secure to the safe castle location. Cheering when the destination was reached the group entered the inner sanctum with Tobby while a few remained outside as watch ...

a yell rang out as an intruder approached with blood in his eyes and screaming to his minions ... 'get it back' no matter the price'!!

Tobby rushed for the door and without hesitation met the foe stating that 'what is being sought does not belong to this bone master and prepare for battle once more' ...

the people gallantly defended with all their might to the end in order to protect what belongs to the lands and not this miserable fool who was there to steal it for its own evil ways ....

With a final statement of 'thou will regret the actions of this day' the bone master cast a disappearance spell and vanished into the air ... leaving behind the fallen of his own minions ...

Tobby expressed great fear that the sanctum of this secure castle was no longer safe for anyone and certainly not the mysterious memory he is vowed to protect ....

It was time for rest and rejuvenation for all and it was decided that in two days hence we would meet once more at this location and devise a new plan as to where the sacred memory should be secured .... and with that Tobby climbed onto the nearest tree limb and wished us all safe travels promising he would study the memory even more ....

After several minutes of discussing the events EM Tailspin was seen taking his evening stroll and the group went to greet him and tell of the journey that had just ended ...

Perhaps he would have heard by the birds wings more details of this bone master .... who ... what ... where .... ???

Alas, he hadn't heard anymore then we had but he did bring joyous news in that his stay on Sonoma was extended and he was now a permanent 'resident'. He too would see us on Tuesday at the time given of 7pm Pacific and would assist by providing a teal (EM) colored gate from the Luna bank area for those who needed a ride.

Welcome to Sonoma EM Tailspin, we are very pleased your stay with us has proven to be one where you feel part of the community.

*Special thanks to Whispering Rose Radio (WRRAD.com) for doing a live coverage of this funtastic event!!

For background on the story 'A World of Memories' click here


Lots o fine look'n new players thur right thur like thurr