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Ab al Wajdi

A man stands before all, his robes concealing him. All can tell he is new here, for his brazen stance could only mean he is one with authority, or one seeking such. He stands there silent as the breeze, for only his breath is heard.

Suddenly, with smooth care, he removes the veil from his identity. With a clear voice of slight foreign accent, he speaks to any that may listen, for his story is perhaps interesting to some...

A terrible night lost in mists, but yet the gods deemed a soul worthy enough of life. So, this humblest of men staggered from the darkness toward a twinkling light, and finds himself wandering into strange lands. Beseeching the stars of heaven, the man gasps and falls to his knees - for the stars he's known since memory was had, are gone, replaced by such strangeness. Constellations of heroes and gods unknown dance the skies here of multiple colors and configurations. Alas! Ab al Wajdi no longer breathes in the air of his father's father-land! Forsooth, Ab al Wajdi is lost!

Not for long was this amazement upon Ab al Wajdi when hunger and thirst snapped at his heels. Fresh water is to be found in a small spring near what can only be some sort of shrine. As crystalline water soothes the burning throat, the sun came forth to shine across the sands and give Ab al Wajdi a glimpse of this new world. This land he now knows as Sosaria.

Silently, carefully, secretly and mysteriously, Ab al Wajdi learned the ways of this land. From the crenelated cavorting of the venerated Yew Gate to the languid loitering in the holy city of Luna, Ab al Wajdi has watched. Periodically, a citizen or another would come forth and stir the memory of grandeur, calling to his fellows, "Hark! We are still alive!" And for a short time, the denizens of Sosaria would come forth from their beleaguerment and partake of great activity and joy! Then all too soon, disappear they would into the confines of their grandiose dwellings filled with hints and memories of times far gone.

Ab al Wajdi has no such dwelling. Ab al Wajdi has lived from tavern to tavern, keeping only a horse and what he could carry. Sometimes a bit of gold would fill his palm, but always it would be given to someone else in need - left on the ground or hidden in places none expect to find anything. Thus has Ab al Wajdi lived since the days one called Lord Brittish ruled the lands. From shard to shard Ab al Wajdi has traveled, seeing many wonders and many failings. From shard to shard, to this, called Napa Valley.

For some time Ab al Wajdi stalked the shadows, observing the people, the alliances and the bonds that makes this home for so many, yet so few. A contradiction amongst all of the shards, this home of elite and beggar. Here are those who wish to thrive, but yet they leave. Here are those who skim the cream, yet are poorer than beggars. Where life is rich, sloth has entered. In no other shard has there been such a cry for Wajdi!

So here, before all, I stand. Ab al Wajdi! I bring with me nothing, but offer everything. Perhaps, if others are of interest, we may form an accord and see to a brighter future. Respond, if you will, by hawk [pm] and together we shall venture into a new age of Sosaria!

With that said, the man performs salam to his neighbors and awaits what may be.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
This was Great!

five oclock

So that was you in that tavern that one night...Finally great to remember, I mean meet you again. :D

Great story too!


Former Stratics Publisher
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Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
*nods to the newcomer*

Greetings and well met traveler.

What exactly are you looking for and purposing? Napa is going through some changes right now... in case you haven't noticed.

Salya Sin

Welcome to NAPA! No seriously.. you can definitely stay!

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Too bad all the great roleplayers have left Napa.
i dunno, i dont play as much as i used too, but every time i log in in the past few months! i always seem to run into a few people in my area who are in total role play mode and wont address you or respond to you in any other way but in role play..maybe some of the old role players are returning? i dunno..

Comic Book Guy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

A lot of the RPers don't post on the boards here. Too much drama and mundane for their liking.
I don't relate this board to ingame. I know when I left the rp'ers were few and the few that were there no longer are ingame.


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Well... sorry for bursting your "no rper" thing.

I'm a role player. Just because I haven't done much RP wise doesn't make me anything other. I battled with Scotia and the Vampires of Carafax. I really had a love/hate thing going with the Cult of the Midnight Wraith. Some of my best RP was held with Rogal Dorn... and we are still very good friends even if we don't game/talk much now. That "Spirit of Sosaria" that we all carried is gone.. not the RPers themselves.

Adam Ant, Scout, Lady Hera, Jade, SaucyWench, Sparkles, Ace, Silas Duvry, Aldaen, Fritz, Ronas Xerad, Moo, Kyverl, Ian Anderson, Fiona, Gabe, Shaar Barastl, Wolf of Evermore, AutumnRain, Big Red, Brontes, Cephas (who still is around... somewhere), Aediwulf, Scotia, Kalatar...

I've died by some, befriended so many... my ICQ list is full of these and more that are not here. I don't delete them, in hopes they might return....

I feel VERY alone and have lost that spark that kept me in character here on the boards. Part of it was the drama, the other part is yes... there are not many RPers left on Napa. I applaud the OP for coming here and doing more than myself - for obviously there isn't much happening in game either.

So back to the OP's quest... you'll need a mighty big spark to get things going again here. I honor you in your attempt... but you see now what you are dealing with. Keep it in game... it stays pure there.

***yeah... that makes me wonder why I don't take my own advice...***


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great name drops, certainly brings back some good memories. RP always was one of the most intrigueing aspects of uo to me. I was never the greatest at it but as long as you gave it your best players seemed to treat you with a level of respect. I still remember saucy introducing me to some of my first role play experiences. I was a witness to a murder in a court case in which some million gold(lot of money back then) sandals were taken.

Comic Book Guy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well... sorry for bursting your "no rper" thing.

I'm a role player. Just because I haven't done much RP wise doesn't make me anything other. I battled with Scotia and the Vampires of Carafax. I really had a love/hate thing going with the Cult of the Midnight Wraith. Some of my best RP was held with Rogal Dorn... and we are still very good friends even if we don't game/talk much now. That "Spirit of Sosaria" that we all carried is gone.. not the RPers themselves.

Adam Ant, Scout, Lady Hera, Jade, SaucyWench, Sparkles, Ace, Silas Duvry, Aldaen, Fritz, Ronas Xerad, Moo, Kyverl, Ian Anderson, Fiona, Gabe, Shaar Barastl, Wolf of Evermore, AutumnRain, Big Red, Brontes, Cephas (who still is around... somewhere), Aediwulf, Scotia, Kalatar...

I've died by some, befriended so many... my ICQ list is full of these and more that are not here. I don't delete them, in hopes they might return....

I feel VERY alone and have lost that spark that kept me in character here on the boards. Part of it was the drama, the other part is yes... there are not many RPers left on Napa. I applaud the OP for coming here and doing more than myself - for obviously there isn't much happening in game either.

So back to the OP's quest... you'll need a mighty big spark to get things going again here. I honor you in your attempt... but you see now what you are dealing with. Keep it in game... it stays pure there.

***yeah... that makes me wonder why I don't take my own advice...***

Now days you're more of a drama queen than a roleplayer.

Bella Morte

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
THIS THREAD DELIVERS! What does it deliver? Oh wait, I'm sorry, this is "Napa RP..." Thy thread! *smirks* It doth delivereth unto thee! *strokes long flowing Celtic hair as his trusty hawk sits proudly atop his armored shoulder*



Comic Book Guy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
THIS THREAD DELIVERS! What does it deliver? Oh wait, I'm sorry, this is "Napa RP..." Thy thread! *smirks* It doth delivereth unto thee! *strokes long flowing Celtic hair as his trusty hawk sits proudly atop his armored shoulder*



Careful. With a pic like that you might draw Rogal in here. Then again, she looks to old to be his type.

Bella Morte

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But Rogal's a "ROLEPLAYER," so he can "roleplay" that she's..you know..a 65yo man...or Kirth.

Bella Morte

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The warrior stepped from the shadows, reaching out with his muscular arm as his hawk came to roost upon it, a note tethered to the great bird of prey's...

Yeah wtfever, you get the idea. And no, that's not "RP."

Hoes noes! My post was deleted!


*smirks again*

"Roleplayers" have their own entry on the Urban Dictionary.


five oclock

ahh Belle..welcome back...was wondering when you and your helm was going to come crashing back onto Napa...

Yeap there is no such thing as Gravity..UO Just sucks.. :p you back in.

Now back to topic..great story.

Bella Morte

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope, this is a one time special event, and I'm gone again. Though I do admit trolling here is much more fun than trolling Yahoo! Answers posts like "Should I pee on my husband?"

So everyone, keep *brushing hair to side* and *smirking* and *kisses her Irish heartburn* That's the extent of roleplaying on Napa. Comic will stay though and carry on, even though I keep urging him not to. Reading UO forums to me anymore is like looking at goat-se...


Good. Riddance.

Comic Book Guy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope, this is a one time special event, and I'm gone again. Though I do admit trolling here is much more fun than trolling Yahoo! Answers posts like "Should I pee on my husband?"

So everyone, keep *brushing hair to side* and *smirking* and *kisses her Irish heartburn* That's the extent of roleplaying on Napa. Comic will stay though and carry on, even though I keep urging him not to. Reading UO forums to me anymore is like looking at goat-se...


Good. Riddance.
I like to see the stupidity of those that still play a broken game and then come to the forums to whine about it.

Ab al Wajdi

My humblest of thanks to all who have replied and shared information with me by hawk. In such a short time I have learned much, and will take this knowledge with me whereever I may go. It has been an honor to speak with some of you, particularly the Lady Kirthag, who has my respect despite her curse of womanhood.

Maa asalaama.

A bow, a turn, and the man departs.