Suggestions for Training Arms Lore that make it not seem as time consuming....
1. Train it on a bowcrafter in training, and turning in the bows crafted in Heartwood quests (you can get to GM Bowcraft using just the quests).
2. Train it filling normal hat BODs (even a character with 0 tailoring can make many of the hats - especially if human. A human with a good exceptional talisman can even fill exceptional hat bods, slowly).
3. Train it making cloth ninja hoods (donate to the Britain library for points to the thief) or Gargoyle cloth armor (recycle), when training a tailor above GM.
4. Train it making Broadswords for the Smith Recipe quests in Heartwood.
5. Train it with a low-level smith (even if you aren't going to permanently keep the smith points), making daggers for your imbuer to imbue during its training.
6. Train it making hammers (the carpentry tool, which isn't a weapon but has weapon stats) with your tinker, and then use the hammers to train your carpenter.
7. Train it while taking a smith to 120 making royal circlets or other items.
Each of these cases gives you more bang for your buck than loring something over and over, and you can actually craft 2-3 times (with a lore skill gain check each time) in the time it takes for 1 lore check by examining an item, especially when using make max.