Deeded, Completed, and Ready to Go! - Now 18 million.
Please PM me directly!
Or are you Missing Parts?
Go to the Hanging Gardens of the Ancient World… Just outside Luna.
From the bank, go west-west-west until you are outside the city walls. Then go south just a little when you see the row of houses. You can't miss the beautiful design.
Vendor name: “Specialty Items” dressed in all white.
Vendor space available at a fraction of Loony Lagtown! PM me direct or leave information on the house message board or in the mail box at the front.
Please PM me directly!
Or are you Missing Parts?
Go to the Hanging Gardens of the Ancient World… Just outside Luna.
From the bank, go west-west-west until you are outside the city walls. Then go south just a little when you see the row of houses. You can't miss the beautiful design.
Vendor name: “Specialty Items” dressed in all white.
Vendor space available at a fraction of Loony Lagtown! PM me direct or leave information on the house message board or in the mail box at the front.