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[Discussion] Are these rares?


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend

I just reactivated my account for the first time in years and found a couple of items in one of my chars bankbox.
Im not sure where they are from or if they are worth anything so i come to you for help.

So do anyone know if they are considered rares and what they might be worth?

Would be cool to get some starting funds since my total gold value across 2 accounts was 500k ^^

I allso have some clothing made put of what i think is called EuropaGold cloth. A Tunic, a doublet and a skirt.

Thank in advance guys


Lore Keeper
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Greetings Zidjin, and welcome back to the game. Always nice to see people come back ^_^

I will try to help you with what I know (if that means anything ^_~)

1) untranslated ancient tome --I don't believe is rare, I think it can still be found in the Stygian Abyss Dungeon and is used for a quest.
2) Sudiva's Coevtous-Laced Tear was a quest item. The quest is no longer available, which makes that item a semi rare-worth around 5-7m
3) Executioner's Rusty Pen, also a Quest item, but for one that is no longer available. I have not seen one for sale in awhile, perhaps Assia Penryn can put input into the price range on that
4)The Origin Of Melarann, I have not heard of this book, nor can I find anything on it.. I have seen various colored books out there which I'm not familiar with on how they were obtained. There was a drop on Baja during season 7 that dropped various colored named books, however I'm not sure which those entailed. Perhaps Manticore, Nails Warstein, or Assia or someone else can help you with this one :)

-Lady Deca
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Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Stratics Legend
#3 It was the pre-complete version of the Quill of Justice. In my opinion worth more than the Quill. I think you could get 20m for it.
Looks to me, like #4 is the haven quest red book that has been written in by a player.
http://www.uoguide.com/Lyle_the_Mage - this is the quest to get the book. It is pretty simple to do. Books can also be dyed by natural dyes and that might be a dark red dye.
I haven't heard of any EM Item or old seer item with that title personally.

Hope that helps! Welcome back to the game!