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[Discussion] Are double exceptional items worth anything?



Hey guys I just got done doing an IDOC and I actually just returned to the game. I found abunch of double exceptional stuff and alot of stuff with charges on them still. Like the way stuff used to be. I think it's all pre-pub16. Is this stuff of any value? Or is it all just junk?

Just wondering because I know their all old stuff. Thanks!

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Depends on what you mean by double exceptional. Lots of folks use that term for a variety of types.

"______ of exceptional quality" are worth something. Value depends on the item, how many of them are around and if you have a way to reach those that collect it.

"Of exceptional quality" is not really worth much, but you might get 25-50k per.

The double exceptional armor that is like...
Exceptional Barbed Sleeves

In my opinion isn't worth squat. Way too much of it floating around, but you might pull 25-50k each.


I got a Wooden box of exceptional quality and below it says exceptional.

Are the stuff that have charges on them worth anything? thanks

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The small wooden boxes you might get about 50k for, it is one of the most common of the EQ items, unfortunately.

Most of the charged jewelry isn't worth anything with the exception of invisibility and teleport items that players still use in-game. The other types aren't worth a whole lot. I've had a spell reflect one sitting for on my 500gp or less vendor for weeks. You might get some great gold for the others from collector's if they are at their max charges. Not sure what the max charges they could spawn with but some like "bless", "night sight" I think were 100.

Hope that helps