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Are caster powerscrolls impossible to find on all shards?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or just Great Lakes? Right now, it looks like my garg is stuck with 100 magery, eval, med, and mysticism. :/

Although to correct that, I can find a couple mysticism scrolls. They're WAY, WAY overpriced. 25 mil for 120 and 5 mil for 115? Lol, no.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or just Great Lakes? Right now, it looks like my garg is stuck with 100 magery, eval, med, and mysticism. :/

Although to correct that, I can find a couple mysticism scrolls. They're WAY, WAY overpriced. 25 mil for 120 and 5 mil for 115? Lol, no.
Its an unplanned side effect of binding, now all scrolls are convertible up to 120s. Might be worth a looksee that scrolls converted up to the next level could not be added to a binder themselves.

Just thinking out loud.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Its an unplanned side effect of binding, now all scrolls are convertible up to 120s. Might be worth a looksee that scrolls converted up to the next level could not be added to a binder themselves.

Just thinking out loud.

Unplanned............ hmmmm.......... but what about foreseable ??


Crazed Zealot
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Yeah this is a side-effect of scroll binders. I still support having them, but this effect is part of the reason I was so disappointed when they nerfed the binders upon release. It now takes so many scrolls to upgrade from each level that there are undoubtedly many 110 & 115 magery (and other popular scrolls) tied up in partial binders. Had the lower numbers been released, these binders would have been completed and there would be more 120 scrolls available. Economics would dictate that the price for these would eventually drop into something more reasonable for the average player.

Once started, there is no way to destroy a partial binder and get back the scrolls put into it.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Obviously mysticsm is going to be a chase scroll for a while. Right now demand is at its highest and supply is at its lowest ... eventually it will find a medium once champ spawners have done their dirty work long enough.

I'm hoping the scroll-binding effect is temporary - although it has, for the moment, cleaned out the market, I suspect eventually a more vibrant powerscroll market will emerge now that scrolls of any size will probably find a buyer. Better still, 120s should come down in price too - you can already see it with the "unpopular" ones.

Of course business is not my strong suit ... I could be completely wrong ... time will tell.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Stratics Legend
i screwed myself over with magery on my gargoyle, before SA came out i worked magery up to 120, put it on a soulstone then realized i only have 7 115 magery scrolls, so currently my gargoyle has 0 magery until i can get 3 more 115s which are nearly impossible to find for sale


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm hoping they become easier to find soon. I'm not going to PvP for scrolls, but buying them isn't an option either.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unplanned............ hmmmm.......... but what about foreseable ??
I have to admit that even myself was so excited to be able to make 115s to a 120 that I failed to examine fully the consequences. Suddenly the three 110s I have seem to be able to command premium plus.


So what happened? Did we make upper end PS more affordable, or did we ratchet by 4 or 5 time the prices of low end scrolls of highly desirable skills?


Stratics Veteran
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Glorious Lord
Go to fel do 1000 spawns and you might get a 20 mysticism.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Scrolls should have been cumluitive past their cap. A 105 would have still taken you to 105. After that it would raise your cap .5 per 105. 1 for 110... 1.5 for 115. This would have given folks doing champs incentive to keep the scrolls on their vendors.

Same for stats.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Ahh thats rigth so you probably might have to do at least 2000 spawns or more.


On Asuka I bought a 120 Myst scroll for 5m a couple of days after release. I also got 120s in magery (10m) eval int (4m) resist (4m) med (2m I think) at around the same time. Also got throwing np, and scrolls are still available at my local supplier for 5m. Best deals here are on Yew runics at 300k each.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just wanted a 110 archery.. couldn't find one of those either on Sonoma...continuing to :wall: