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Archery Tournament

EM Fiorella

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome to The Second Archery Tournament to be held at the the Luna Fairgrounds!!

This tournament is meant for one and all, even those without archery skill. There will be 2 divisions one for those with the archery skill and one for those without, just for fun.

1. One for those with skill
• each participant will have three shots, 2 participants at a time
• to make it to next level will go in increments, to go to round 2- 100 total from 3 shots, round 3- 150, round 4- 200
• EM's will be taking care of butte's and recording scores

2. One for those without skill
• each participant will have three shots, 2 participants at a time
• this will be held by elimination, 2 participants winner goes to next round til everyone has had their chance
• next rounds same thing, winner goes to next until we have a winner.
• Again, EM's will be taking care of butte's and recording scores

So please join EM Sangria and EM Fiorella on Sunday March 7th 2010 at 6pm PST for lots of fun and comradery.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Suggestion on requirment for rounds 3 and up. Have elimination based on the low score of each set of archers at the butte. Might heat things up a bit, lol. Oh yea, if you make bows for us to use then go with oak! :p