• Hail Guest!
    We're looking for Community Content Contribuitors to Stratics. If you would like to write articles, fan fiction, do guild or shard event recaps, it's simple. Find out how in this thread: Community Contributions
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  • Hail Guest!,
    Please take a moment to read this post reminding you all of the importance of Account Security.
  • Hail Guest!
    Please read the new announcement concerning the upcoming addition to Stratics. You can find the announcement Here!

Archery Contest


Salya Sin

I will post the results now...

And I"m sorry everyone... I am unable to log onto UO due to a horrible internet connection that is supposed to be fixed next week. Keep your fingers crossed for Monday for me... it's driving me nuts!

I had been checking the EM website.. but there was no post about a tournie so I didn't get the news up about it... but I just checked and there is one about the results... sooo... I'll go put it up!

Again... I'm sorry!