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Archery/Bard Template


Stratics Veteran
Just looking for feedback on my build. I want to bring a little more support for my pets beyond discording and occasional greater heals. I figure archery would be the safest bet since I can still stay at range.

My plan is:
120 taming
120 lore
120 music
100 discord +20 items
100 archery
100 tactics
60 magery +35 items

I grabbed a crossbow with just 50% HLD since I know that my dps is unlikely to come close to my pets and HLD would be a nice boost for both of us. So far the build seems alright. I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve it or if I'm just trying to do too much.

I am thinking of dropping tactics for spellweaving or vet. Since I'm not really a big contributor to the total damage it seems like it might be a waste of 100 points.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I would stone the music and discord. My build runs
120 lore
120 taming
120 archery
120 tactics
120 chiv
120 vet

Pretty versatile, just takes some getting used to. Allows for a major damage contribution.

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Stratics Veteran
I'm afraid I would miss invis and greater heal too much without magery. I also found that I rarely use vet anymore since it puts me too close too the fight. I could drop vet though and add magery or maybe 60/60 of each so I can keep all the utility that I use from both with the help of +skill items. I could then put discord on my next pet, which would save me 240 skill points. I'll probably try this out once I get it trained.

Thanks for the suggestion!


Stratics Veteran
I'm afraid I would miss invis and greater heal too much without magery. I also found that I rarely use vet anymore since it puts me too close too the fight. I could drop vet though and add magery or maybe 60/60 of each so I can keep all the utility that I use from both with the help of +skill items. I could then put discord on my next pet, which would save me 240 skill points. I'll probably try this out once I get it trained.

Thanks for the suggestion!
I think I run something like this:

110 lore
110 vet
110 taming (dont need 120, I put jewelry to 120 if I am taming something)
100 archery (120 with hunters)
120 tactics (damage bonus)
120 anatomy (damage bonus)
80 chiv (this is mostly for healing myself and enemy of one)

My pet healing macro uses bandage and close wounds at the same time, so going 120 vet is overkill when you can heal your pet with both chiv and vet.

I go with 100 DI, 45 HCI, LMC maxed, pretty high MR and HPR. And very important 4/6 casting (to heal yourself with chiv quickly).
Bow has HLD and HML.

I drop vet if I am going to felucca. The issue with not having vet is how will you res your pet in case things get ugly?. You can do A LOT of damage with this template, with the issue of not being able to heal your pet from distance. You can also do PvP with the template. I have two Cus. One of them is fully trained, the other is a 4 slot pet with high stats, skills at 100. I use the 4 slot Cu so I can ride my ethy, it is my to go to when doing champs in fel, or going hunting alone on places where I will need to run around. Trust me, you might not have a 5 slot super powerful Cu, but being able to cause a lot of archery damage + having a 4 slot trained Cu can be very, very, powerful!. It is such a versatile and fun template I love it.

Invis. Just carry pots with you, problem solved.
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