Most effective (IMO) would be this:
Heavy or light xbow
50% HLD
15% HCI
50 di
100% energy damage
Barring that, you will want a template with:
1) At least 60 Bushido. This will let you honor the swoop, for the mana / stamina / hp when you defeat it. Very valuable. This also lets you use lightning strike for 45% HCI per hit. Much lower chance for a penetrating strike, but it works.
ANd of course, you get confidence. which is great for healing on the run.
2) At least 72 Chiv. FOr consecrate weapon (to overcome not having a high energy weapon), emergency heals and divine fury for an SSI boost.
3) Some necro form (wraith at 30, or Vam Embrace at 99 necro. Use skill items to get there).
4) Higest possible dex and stamina bonus for fastest possible swing.
5) Heavy x-bow with at LEAST 25 SSI and 40 DI. Or a light xbow with the same features.