So called mayor of New Magincia. You have done nothing for the people. There is no current trade deal nor has tehre been one since week 1. Dont try to counter the argument with its our city to support, you have done nothing to ensure the people are supplying the gold needed. The city is still in shambles. You gluttonous pig have wasted the past months doing nothing.
I will ensure you are not re-elected in 25 days. I hereby announce my candidacy for the mayor of New Magincia.
I shall, out of my own pockets if needed and through active taxation and tarrifs, ensure there is an active trade deal. Of course this is to low cost of New Magincians, the bulk fees shall be assessed through merchants and other gold collection processes. The people shal contact me and I will make sure the masses are represented.
I shall offer a custom title for all supporters.
I shall represent the people in meetings and not sit like a lump as our current mayor has.
Change is for the better.
I will ensure you are not re-elected in 25 days. I hereby announce my candidacy for the mayor of New Magincia.
I shall, out of my own pockets if needed and through active taxation and tarrifs, ensure there is an active trade deal. Of course this is to low cost of New Magincians, the bulk fees shall be assessed through merchants and other gold collection processes. The people shal contact me and I will make sure the masses are represented.
I shall offer a custom title for all supporters.
I shall represent the people in meetings and not sit like a lump as our current mayor has.
Change is for the better.