Owned by no one adds a decrease in value because it cannot be resold for profit or shared between characters.
yes it can be. owned by no ones can be worn by other characters. they just fall off on login (have to re-equip every log in) it will say whatever character name first equipped it, but is still will function as "blessed" for whatever character wheres it.
this is how it functioned last time i checked about 2 months ago.
you can also clear them by transferring. after transer it will still say the original characters name, but on first equip on the new shard will take the new name of whatever character equips it first.
i do kinda agree with you tho, since not many people know how they work it kinda evens out value. some value them more, some value them less. overall i think they work out to be about the same price.
arachnid tends to be one of the lesser desired ones, theyve been on vendor search a decent amount lately. seem to sell well around 140m. same goes for elemental. undead slightly less. reptile/demon/repond still holding at 175.