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Anything good?

  • Thread starter Philanthropist
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Hey there guys,

After a hiatus I have decided to activate my account again. I used to be one of the biggest rares collectors on Europa, but the game eventually bored me and so I quit. Now this week I remembered all the good times I had spent on UO, hence I decided to activate my accounts.
Unfortunately all my houses that I still had fell down (damn!), so I lost a lot of items. Now I have still some items left, and I wonder if they are still worth anything.
Any help?

-Nightmare cloth (it USED to be completely rare, not sure if it still is!) robe, sash, floppy hat, bandana. All blessed with a bless deed. The Robe is still old school so it says 'A Robe (blessed)'.
-A bless deed
-A sash saying 'Member of the Royal Britannian Guard' blessed
-A blessed 'Mask of Orcish Kin'
-Several 'blessed' clothing pieces
-Long Pants [Exceptional] [Blessed]
-15020 silver
-A mini house deed
-A silver ring (saying nothing)
-A Rose
Noble Paladin John Williams
I Survived The Birth Of Mules
(completely red)
-Champagne Flute
-Mininova Fireworks Wands
-Full Jars
-A Rose
Thank You For ****s Sake, For Supporting Ultima Online!
I Helped Bring Forth The Age Of Shadows
(completely red)
-A bracelet of binding : 5 : (what can I do with this?)
-A whispering rose from Me
-Several other whispering roses
-A pitcher of sake
-Red blessed sandals with more 'Helped bring forth age of shadows' text
-Glacial staff
-Another silver ring
-A gold ring saying 'With All My Soul'
-2 dead wood
-Furtinute dye tub

And this is just one of my characters, so there's a lot more. I am really sad that I lost my houses (in the chests were my Phoenix armor bits etc).

Anyway, I really hope someone is kind enough to help me out!

PS: all these items are on the Europa shard


Bah. They used to be worth 1-2 million. Darn economy.


A Bless Deed? What kinda bless deed? What does it Bless? Or did you mean a Blessed Deed?


I meant clothing bless deed, sorry

Though there might still be an item bless deed hidden away somewhere. That used to be amazing pre insurance.


-Nightmare cloth (it USED to be completely rare, not sure if it still is!) robe, sash, floppy hat, bandana. All blessed with a bless deed. The Robe is still old school so it says 'A Robe (blessed)'. <font color=red>for a while thrashers tail from the ML monster of the same name could be spun into nightmare cloth, so only the robe (distinguised by its blessing) would really be worth anything</font color=red>
-A bless deed <font color=red>Yeah quite a bit, 70 mill or so, dunno</font color=red>
-A sash saying 'Member of the Royal Britannian Guard' blessed <font color=red> if its that gold color probably worth a few mill, or others with hues you can't get from a dye tub, the blessing is unfortunate since you can't cut it up to get cloth</font color=red>
-A blessed 'Mask of Orcish Kin' <font color=red>you can still get these from orcs, well not blessed ones but it was blessed with a CBD so maybe a few k</font color=red>
-Several 'blessed' clothing pieces <font color=red>depends what kind of blessing they have</font color=red>
-Long Pants [Exceptional] [Blessed] <font color=red>a few mill</font color=red>
-15020 silver <font color=red>not sure if people buy silver in bulk, a few hundred k?</font color=red>
-A mini house deed <font color=red>depends on what kind of deed it is, castle, keep, tower, thatched roof cottage, those go for a lot</font color=red>
-A silver ring (saying nothing) <font color=red>silver rings are in game now, nada</font color=red>
-Brazier <font color=red>not an artifact from doom, quite a lot, depends on graphic</font color=red>
-A Rose
Noble Paladin John Williams
I Survived The Birth Of Mules
(completely red) <font color=red>25k or so...mules?? lol</font color=red>
-Champagne Flute <font color=red>5k</font color=red>
-Mininova Fireworks Wands <font color=red>trash, everyone got one in their bankbox</font color=red>
-Full Jars <font color=red>may depend on the graphic, if its the daily rare then 20k, otherwise quite a lot</font color=red>
-Donuts <font color=red>500k to 1 mill</font color=red>
-A Rose
Thank You For ****s Sake, For Supporting Ultima Online!
I Helped Bring Forth The Age Of Shadows
(completely red) <font color=red>25k unless that says what I think it says, might go for a lot more to the right buyer</font color=red>
-A bracelet of binding : 5 : (what can I do with this?) <font color=red>binds to another person with a bracelet so you can go to their location or something like that, I never got around to messing with them, 10k or so</font color=red>
-A whispering rose from Me <font color=red>very cute, maybe several million at auction</font color=red>
-Several other whispering roses <font color=red>150-200k each</font color=red>
-A pitcher of sake <font color=red>makeable in zento, worthless</font color=red>
-Red blessed sandals with more 'Helped bring forth age of shadows' text <font color=red>50-100k or so</font color=red>
-Glacial staff <font color=red>5-10k</font color=red>
-Another silver ring <font color=red>buy from NPC jeweler</font color=red>
-A gold ring saying 'With All My Soul' <font color=red>20 mill-ish</font color=red>
-2 dead wood <font color=red>get from reapers now, trash</font color=red>
-Furtinute dye tub <font color=red>110k or so</font color=red>


Oh, an item bless deed is worth a lot, a clothing bless deed is worth about 300k.


Clothing Bless Deeds - CBDs sell for around 300k-700k on many shards, obviously the higher the price the slower the sale, but theyre not garbage.