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Anyone want to venture price on non burned unique plants...



A ballpark price for non burned fully colored "rubble" plants. Plants that are unique and cant be grown.

I am buying.


i want to know the price on green shrubble too. Glad I ddin't sell early I think.


I am perplexed. Many shards never got it. Atlantic gate area was picked. Thats about all I know.

90% of all atlantic plants are black.

Those that now event rares maybe can figure out something based on similiar quantity. I dont know much abut Event Rare numbers and cost.


Until the event is over prices will not be set, but will continue to fluctuate. The only exception to this will be items that are easy to determine exist in small or singular quanities, especially those that have unqiue graphics.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Stratics Legend
Eh my personal opinion on "non-burned rubble plants" is that I dont like them.

Why? Well, to me most of them dont really stand out. There are quite a few player grown plants in UO as it is and I dont know half of them. So on first look they just seem like just another plant. Ofcourse, something like water lily would be much more desirable. Things like small palm, not - to me at least.

I don't see myself paying more than 5-6M for the rubble plants I have seen so far.


Im willing to pay 10 million for unique green plants. Ones that dont have seed grown counter parts.

Town rubble is a whole other story.

imported_Wing Chun

I got one of the saplings and it looks pretty nice


The only plant related rubble I would have seen myself buying are a bunch of logs to put in my house if people were able to sit on them


pffft, no one couldve sat on them! you wouldve left your char there all day!


That's why I would have bought a bunch ! :>

That and each log set would allow 2 ppl to sit on it. Would look good in an all grass luna plot with just logs and ppl there afk all day ;D


haha, ill turn your old house into a park with a fountain, and get a few logs for you to lounge around on afk style all day.


This shrubble doesn't look like any gardener grown plant I know about.

Maybe it's a hunk of sod from Fenway.


I am currently buying rubbles on:


If you have them please icq me at 123172317. I will make an fair offer.



Thanks. Just some first night dumb luck. I hit ctrl-shift and I was pretty much standing on it.

Dumb luck's better than no luck. Right?


No one wants to venture a price

Id say 35 million for original green plants that dont have seed counterparts. As of now ofcourse. And I think this is low. And I only want to buy them for 10 million. There lies my lack of offers.


Good luck buying at 10 million. Ive been trying for days.

Unique building stuff with 2 or 3 of a kind will be way up there.

Found a wall piece for 17 million and there will be many of those.


I've always wanted the old burnt yew tree

I don't think anyone has gotten a black burnt tree yet though, anyone have more info on this?


None pulled on atlantic or origin. Though I dont know everyone. hehe.


Well Im going to start my 3 fully colored rubble plants with unique shapes at no less then 100 million each. The burned plants have made these extremely valueable. Very few shards had colored plants picked up.


I agree...been offered insane amounts of money for my white tree (deco prize)...I'd love to nab a black tree to make a "set"



Draconi: <blockquote><hr>

Rubble hasn't actually started spawning yet - when the Light daemons begin tearing into buildings (coinciding the arrival of the player artillery) the rubble will be widely available.

There were some early limited tests where a few people found rubble, but since then it's been unavailable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow...I think its going to be very common. Good luck on that 100m per tho....

[/ QUOTE ]

The new rubble will be in shades of gray and black for the plants. What I managed to get (finally) was original colored plants that cant be grown from seeds.

As for the other rubble.
1 million to 100 million to. No not the gray charred plants. But a tree. That glass there is only 1 of in Magincia. You get my point.

Yeah lots of rubble to be had. The value will be placed on it as how many of each are available. 10 trees is a lot different then 200 burned black ferns that can be grown by seeds.



Do let us know if you manage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure, once I get the time. Im sure everyone will wait and wait. There will be so much rubble it will be crazy figuring it out.

1. Unique plants,trees, logs that arent charred.
2. Unique items in Maginica that arent available via building a house, or tokens.
3. Charged Trees, Large Bushes.
4. Unique charged plants that cant be grown from seed.

These are what I see as most valuable.



Well Im going to start my 3 fully colored rubble plants with unique shapes at no less then 100 million each. The burned plants have made these extremely valueable. Very few shards had colored plants picked up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why don't you charge a trillion gp if you value it that much? lol

1. You don't know for sure how many of these "unique" shaped early test versions are out there.

2. On Atlatnic, during season 4, the EM released a few 8-10 large fan plants ONLY and they sold on average of 35 mil per.

3. On Arrirang, the Seers gave out White Poinsettas for xmas one year and those only sell for 50 mil and there are only 8-10 of those that exist as well.

4. White saplings released on Baja during xmas house deco contest only 18 exist sold on average of 35-50 mil. ( and those are ICE white with unqiue name on top of it)

5. Now I can see Volupuous or Sarsmi's giant white apple and peach trees fetching 100 mil but definetly not these "rubbles".

The only item I think will fetch high are the giant palm trees, but since there is a wieght limit I doublt that will even be lootable.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


Do let us know if you manage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure, once I get the time. Im sure everyone will wait and wait. There will be so much rubble it will be crazy figuring it out.

1. Unique plants,trees, logs that arent charred.
2. Unique items in Maginica that arent available via building a house, or tokens.
3. Charged Trees, Large Bushes.
4. Unique charged plants that cant be grown from seed.

These are what I see as most valuable.

[/ QUOTE ]

I really cannot comment whether or not your uncharred rubbles can fetch 100M, especially since you have not provided us with images. However, like Manticore said there are existing precedents for such items and it goes heavily against your valuation. I also suspect that there are more uncharred plant rubbles out there than you think.




Well Im going to start my 3 fully colored rubble plants with unique shapes at no less then 100 million each. The burned plants have made these extremely valueable. Very few shards had colored plants picked up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why don't you charge a trillion gp if you value it that much? lol

1. You don't know for sure how many of these "unique" shaped early test versions are out there.

2. On Atlatnic, during season 4, the EM released a few 8-10 large fan plants ONLY and they sold on average of 35 mil per.

3. On Arrirang, the Seers gave out White Poinsettas for xmas one year and those only sell for 50 mil and there are only 8-10 of those that exist as well.

4. White saplings released on Baja during xmas house deco contest only 18 exist sold on average of 35-50 mil. ( and those are ICE white with unqiue name on top of it)

5. Now I can see Volupuous or Sarsmi's giant white apple and peach trees fetching 100 mil but definetly not these "rubbles".

The only item I think will fetch high are the giant palm trees, but since there is a wieght limit I doublt that will even be lootable.

[/ QUOTE ]

A trillion is to much.



Adding to value would be items that make up a whole. Like it would be great to get a tree, but those trees are in parts for the most part. So it might take 3+ pieces to make up a whole tree (same goes for some of the logs I saw), but if you have all the pieces it'll be worth more than if you just had the same number of different rubble pieces.

I saw some cute ohii trees that highlighted as whole, I could really dig one of those, even charred. I would really like to know if bleach works on charred stuff, also. Someone remember to test that, not me since I'm doubtful that I'll be getting my hands on rubble anytime soon. I'm invasion-inept.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah I love the Ohii tree. There are whole. Time for speculation and fun.





Do let us know if you manage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure, once I get the time. Im sure everyone will wait and wait. There will be so much rubble it will be crazy figuring it out.

1. Unique plants,trees, logs that arent charred.
2. Unique items in Maginica that arent available via building a house, or tokens.
3. Charged Trees, Large Bushes.
4. Unique charged plants that cant be grown from seed.

These are what I see as most valuable.

[/ QUOTE ]

I really cannot comment whether or not your uncharred rubbles can fetch 100M, especially since you have not provided us with images. However, like Manticore said there are existing precedents for such items and it goes heavily against your valuation. I also suspect that there are more uncharred plant rubbles out there than you think.

[/ QUOTE ]

So 50 million then. Atlantic got uncharred plants from around the gate. You can count how many were removed. What other shards got them? Not many. Try buying them. There are very hard to find. I find some walls, 2 plants that are seed plants. A log. A dresser (token), Wood pile. These are from atlantic.
No I dont have them.


I know! I'm tempted to run around and grab screenshots of the stuff I like, but it's so up in the air about how much/ and of what will become rubble. It's actually pretty exciting, I think I'm gonna have to start selling off some junk to save my gps up.



I know! I'm tempted to run around and grab screenshots of the stuff I like, but it's so up in the air about how much/ and of what will become rubble. It's actually pretty exciting, I think I'm gonna have to start selling off some junk to save my gps up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats what Im doing. Selling junk. Evidently cursed arties are falling like rain. Deamon blood tiles are easy. Berserker scythes are plentifull. Vorpals and pyros harder.

Im going for rubble. I think there is a nice patch of like morning glories. I want those too.

Ill probably end up with a stupid wall, or rug tile. hehe.


you cant count how many removed because developers put some back



you cant count how many removed because developers put some back

[/ QUOTE ]
Fine so 100's were taken and 100's were put back. So no one knows the quantity.

Its a mystery then.


here is my estimate:

about 10-15 pieces or so on average per shard, some had more some had less.

so on a conservative estimate of half the shards thats 15 roughly shards. Abut 150-225 pieces of rubbles exist currently out there.


All Im looking at is unique items.

I know Atlantic got some. I dont think all the shards got rubble. At this point. I taking colored plants as gold.

I think you estimate is reasonable.

Now its a question of how the rubble falls. (pun intended).

There are some nice pieces in town that are unique. Only a few in town. Odds are they wont all turn to rubble.

Its a luck thing now. Ill be fine with hunting, buying and gathering. Maybe in 6 months (if uo lives on) we will get some pricing data.

Plants (unique and full color) 40 million to 100 million.

That ships anchor on the dock of Magincia. That would command a nice sum.


There are single piece display cases inside the jewelers. And rope ladders around that they put up for the little archers posts, those are cute. Oooh, the two piece tapestries, hemisphere has one of those. Those are soo cooool...

*keeps browsing*

...some cute blue candles that might just be indigenous to baja in the merchants guild...two part benches (the upright ones, I think they are called bishops seats or something)...jeez, they really emptied the hell outta this city of stuff...yikes...