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anyone up for a uo gathering at disneyland ?


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just something stress free relax go on a weekday hang out go on pirates i dunno just throwing it out there either that or maybee medievil times im game anyone else wanna hang out at the magical kingdom sometime? rolleyes:


I actually might be going there sometime in the next month lol


too bad i live allmost half way across the country i would go hehe i never been to disney land i though it would be awesome if i could go but alas i cant lol :sad2:


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well maybee we could get some rooms at the disneyland hotel where do you live joy and ashley ? so far about 3 people are interested i know tyleor wants to go me crazy delicious maybee we know someone who works for an airline can get discount tickets rolleyes:


well maybee we could get some rooms at the disneyland hotel where do you live joy and ashley ? so far about 3 people are interested i know tyleor wants to go me crazy delicious maybee we know someone who works for an airline can get discount tickets rolleyes:

lol that funny me and joy could share the same room lol different beds or maybe i sleep on a couch or something since im young lol rolleyes:


Lore Master
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lol that funny me and joy could share the same room lol different beds or maybe i sleep on a couch or something since im young lol rolleyes:
I recommend the peacock, the staff are great they provide shuttle, and DL is only a couple blocks away, great food and store on the same block.


Lore Master
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I don't think anyone would want to see the trouble Tenki, Thomas and I would cause in Disneyland... with Balka and Brylea in tow, possibly.

In Grame pranks will become out of game pranks. Oh my.


lol, I think quite possibly there could be some imminenet arrests if K@zi were to meetup there. . so much mischief to be made in such a large place.


Stratics Veteran
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I don't think anyone would want to see the trouble Tenki, Thomas and I would cause in Disneyland... with Balka and Brylea in tow, possibly.

In Grame pranks will become out of game pranks. Oh my.
Did Balka tell you his plans of "poop mountain"?.... You and Brylea would probably beat me and leave me in the closet the entire time... All I'd want to do is chase someone around screaming IN NOX.

K@ZI aside.. I think any gathering of UO players could be potentially dangerous.


I'm down if WE can Raid the roller coasters together! :gun:


Lore Master
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I don't want to ride roller coster with K@zi 'cause Alik would push me out. =[ That's dangerous!


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well lets set it for a tuesday or a wednesday a little less people a little more fun chance to see different attractions im getting anxious want to go but we need to plan it right so like say 2 or 3 months from now would be kk :thumbup1::lol:

OK DATE SET SEPTEMBER 8TH!!! that would be a wednesday woot


Classes start at the end of August for me. I can't raid rides :( :stretcher:


And now that I'm totally in California, I'll be able to....no. Unfortunately, I can only take time off on weekends. Stupid school and it's no leave policy....

-Xivara of ElF


Crazed Zealot
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I just got back from disney world yesterday. No cross continental trips for me.