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anyone understand how monster targeting works?

  • Thread starter YuriGaDaisukiDa
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  • Watchers 0


I have no idea how monsters decide their targets in this game, it seems almost random....

I know dragons and paragons will attack things that move.

But other monsters I just dont understand.

I am a tamer paladin, and i usualy use my pet to tank for me. But oftem times, in the middle of a battle, the enemy will swich to me, which is fine for a lot of monsters since im a paladin, but the really high end stuff will usualy kill me. Greater dragons for example.

Now at first i thought it was damage based, but i find that this is not the case. I have had monsters swich from my pet to me, when im not even in war mode. Non aoe monsters. They attacked me right after i casted divine fury and concecrate weapon.

Now i have a pack of frenzieds, and the role has swiched, i need to tank for them or they insta die. I was fighitng ogre lords today. I attacked first, got the first hit, and then hi swiched and killed all my ostards =[.

Anyone know how this works?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Before you damage the "normal" monster, it will attack whatever available target is closest.

After the first thing attacks the monster, the monster should get fixated on that attacker. The exception comes when the thing which attacked the monster isn't the first damage dealer. Then there is a chance that the monster will attack the first damage dealer.

The chance of retargetting without outside influence is remote, but it is there. Or more likely, we might not see what the outside influence is that causes the retargetting.

Any monster with an area effect will retarget one of the valid targets which just got hit by an area effect.

There are probably more subtleties, but I can't think of them right now.

5% Luck

Once engaged with you pet there is only a few reasons a mob will re target you once you start swinging.

#1 AoE casters. When A lich lord cast wither he will often change targets. I run in vamp form to combat this problem. If Im lucky I leech trough it. Lightning strike helps a ton here. Sucubi also retarget when she uses the area life leech arura.

#2 You are standing ON the mob. Often times, as i run my pally tamer I stand directly under my pet. This works the same as being invisible untill your pet wanders off or you are NOT standing directly under them. They will always take the argo in this position. If you take that step and stand on the mob he WILL switch targets on to you.

#3 paragons Do retarget when someone is RUNNING!. Dont run. walk. This works great for getting up close enough to vet when my GD is on a Para balron. misima also does retarget running players. She is not marked paragon but if you consistently lore them as they spawn you will notice some are in fact paragon by lore facts. Listed in the stratics hunters guide(maybe its uoguide) there is a listing for demon retargeting. Misima is the only one that has it listed AFAIK but if you ask me its a paragon related fact,

#4 Your pet invisis long enough for you to land a hit(rare). Some time I hit multiple times when a pet is invised(self invised) and no change in target happens. But on occasion The pet doesnt land a hit long enough for the creature to decided your pet is not there and will switch. Doesnt happen often but "can" happen.


#3 paragons Do retarget when someone is RUNNING!. Dont run. walk. This works great for getting up close enough to vet when my GD is on a Para balron. misima also does retarget running players. She is not marked paragon but if you consistently lore them as they spawn you will notice some are in fact paragon by lore facts. Listed in the stratics hunters guide(maybe its uoguide) there is a listing for demon retargeting. Misima is the only one that has it listed AFAIK but if you ask me its a paragon related fact,
In my experience paragon target is based on movement, whatever the speed...tamers best bet is to call pet abck to you and then stand underneath or teleport to him...many times fighting para's ahve i walked towards pet to be targeted.

Also changelings will take the form of any PC in the area and target them regardless of movement or damage (just because they feel like it lol)


hmmm maybe ive been standing on top of the mob idk

but i can say that nothing else said can explain the few times swoop or sphynx has retargeted me, when im not even in war mode, seemingly provoked by me casting concecrate weapon before i attack