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Anyone ran UO on a Netbook?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I realize it has a really dinky screen. However, I was wondering if anyone has ran UO on a Cheap Netbook. & how well did it perform?(wondering about both KR, & 2d)


Stratics Legend
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Wouldn't lose much in 2d. The play area is pretty small to begin with. In 3d, you can always zoom in...la


Slightly Crazed
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I run UO on my little 8" acer netbook that I purchased at walmart. It works good, but not great. I do notice some lag if there is alot of stuff happening onscreen. For me I wouldn't make it my only computer to play UO on, but it works great when I am laying in bed and can't sleep.

**edit** this is with 2d, I never even tried to install KR on it. (although I may try that next week)

Kratos Aurion

I realize it has a really dinky screen. However, I was wondering if anyone has ran UO on a Cheap Netbook. & how well did it perform?(wondering about both KR, & 2d)
Haven't ran UO off a netbook but I have ran it off a flash drive. I can't imagine it would be any different aside from the fact you'd get more performance from your systems hardware on the netbook. Plus UO is 10 years old. If your netbook can't compete against computers that old, then you should probably just get a notebook.


Grand Poobah
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I think the real question here is when are they releasing a client for the Iphone?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the real question here is when are they releasing a client for the Iphone?
Screw iPhone, that thing is overly used especially by girls. (ditched by iPhone 3G because girls kept on saying it's oh so cute dont fit my image and everyone and their grandmom has one)

Real man uses G1. Bulky and dull, but it sure is not a chick phone like the way iPhone is.

Oh yea, back to the topic, Netbook runs 2D just fine but not sufficient for heavy PvP. You will get lag spikes here and there, its actually not too bad but a sudden drop in movement speed/lag spike can mean life and death in UO PvP.

Kratos Aurion

Screw iPhone, that thing is overly used especially by girls. (ditched by iPhone 3G because girls kept on saying it's oh so cute dont fit my image and everyone and their grandmom has one)

Real man uses G1. Bulky and dull, but it sure is not a chick phone like the way iPhone is.

Oh yea, back to the topic, Netbook runs 2D just fine but not sufficient for heavy PvP. You will get lag spikes here and there, its actually not too bad but a sudden drop in movement speed/lag spike can mean life and death in UO PvP.
G1 network? You must be cute in fel on dial up:thumbsup:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
G1 network? You must be cute in fel on dial up:thumbsup:
Well looks like you have no clue. G1 is also called the google phone. Its a phone not your 1g network. Also just want to inform you, connected to the same 3g network, g1 phone averaged 33% faster data transmit and browsing speed compared to iPhone.

G1 phone is bulky while the iPhone is more of a chick's phone. Plus iPhone is too popular, my gf has one, my mom has one, my dad is about to get one too. And the majority of my friends are all using iPhone, everyone has the same crap. Do you know the reason iphone price dropped from $500ish when it first came out to today's $200 in order to compete with the G1 google phone?

Also if you do a bit more reading, Android OS pretty much pwned Windows Mobile in most performance tests, and its open source which means they are indifintely faster to come out with newer applications and programs compared to WM. The latest update of android is called the cupcake which included the pinch (multi-touch) function for free.


I've run it on my Acer Netbook. It works fine, not as good as my desktop but okay. My only problem is my old eyes seem to need the larger screen. I've only run 2D since I think KR looks and runs terrible.


Grand Poobah
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Another reminder from Aboo in case anyones forgotten that she's getting along in her years. :mf_prop:


I have tried KR on a Dell Mini 9. I was surprised that it runs as well as it does considering processor and only integrated video using max 64k shared memory. But I wouldn't use it in any risky situation as it bogs noticeably when loading new screens. Luna lap on Dell was about 70 seconds vs 45 on my desktop. Dell is 800x600 while desktop is 1920 x 1200. Increasing screen resolution on Dell bogs it down even more.

Besides screen, the keyboard is mini and would be tough to do a lot of quick typing on.

But for a portable UO player you can carry around one-handed, could be handy. For example,in game trades or vendor shopping when away from home but in a wifi zone.

Here's a pic with the mini next to a cd so people who aren't familiar with netbooks get some idea of its relatively small size. Weighs just over 2 lbs, cost about $300.00.



Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Just a reminder, not all netbooks are configured the same... there are several different Intel Atom CPUs used (different speeds usually). The first netbooks came with 1g of RAM, newer netbooks are offering more RAM.

Also the Intel Atom CPU was not designed to be used in computers... it was designed for mobile phones. Sure it runs XP and W7, but it is still underpowered for a computing environment.

The only advantage I see (IMO) to netbooks is the weight. Despite the retail price, I believe netbooks are overpriced for the performance and value point... no bang for the buck. For $100 more you can buy a laptop that will smoke the doors off a netbook (although I'm considering getting a HP TouchSmart TX2z).

/rant -off ;)

g1 phone averaged 33% faster data transmit and browsing speed compared to iPhone.
But will it run UO?! Just kidding. Seriously, is the G1 still exclusive to T-Mobile?

I have tried KR on a Dell Mini 9.
Good info, and great photo. Does your Mini 9 have 1g or 2g of RAM? What is the CPU speed?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But will it run UO?! Just kidding. Seriously, is the G1 still exclusive to T-Mobile?
I dont thing G1 can run UO yet, but I do use the AndroidVNC thru 3G network to connect back to my desktop PC from anywhere and I can chat with people in game and do some minor stuff like restocking vendors remotely from my G1 phone.

At this moment I think G1 is still T-Mobile exclusive but you can always unlock it and use it on any network. However T-mobile unlimited data access is only $20, and I can tether my G1(just a toggle of a program) and make it an access point (in this case the WiFi on regular PC and laptops sees the phone as a wireless router and just double click to connect to the internet) and I was able to go online on my laptop and did a few speed test, you get the speed about a tad slower than landline 768kpbs ADSL service... WIRELESSLY. You really should try it... very addictive. :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
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Running it on a 2 year old cheap Acer notebook with 1GB RAM. Performs perfectly well. KR however don't work on this notebook, due to a lack of 3D acceleration.


Another reminder from Aboo in case anyones forgotten that she's getting along in her years. :mf_prop:
You are so funny, true but funny!

My netbook has the Intel Atom with Windows XP Home. I think it's great for taking in the car rather than my regular size laptop and it can actually fit in my purse. My grandkids however complain because it cuts the bottom part of their Webkinz page off. I haven't had this problem with UO though.


Stratics Veteran
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I got UO running flawless on a Asus EEE...

Runs fine in 2D..


... Does your Mini 9 have 1g or 2g of RAM? What is the CPU speed?
The CPU is 1.6 Atom and I do have 2G RAM. Agreed you can get a more capable notebook or desktop based on power/dollar. I was looking for portability/size first. Secondarily, it is nice to have a computer that makes no noise at all. The Dell has solid state drive and no fans. The fact that it plays KR at all is pure bonus.

Kratos Aurion

Well looks like you have no clue. G1 is also called the google phone. Its a phone not your 1g network. Also just want to inform you, connected to the same 3g network, g1 phone averaged 33% faster data transmit and browsing speed compared to iPhone.

G1 phone is bulky while the iPhone is more of a chick's phone. Plus iPhone is too popular, my gf has one, my mom has one, my dad is about to get one too. And the majority of my friends are all using iPhone, everyone has the same crap. Do you know the reason iphone price dropped from $500ish when it first came out to today's $200 in order to compete with the G1 google phone?

Also if you do a bit more reading, Android OS pretty much pwned Windows Mobile in most performance tests, and its open source which means they are indifintely faster to come out with newer applications and programs compared to WM. The latest update of android is called the cupcake which included the pinch (multi-touch) function for free.
No clue? refering to a network as G# refers to generation #. A generation 1 network was probably the first cell phone network introduced to America. Infact, most industrial countries operate on G4 or G5 Networks such as European nations and Japan.

And what does having a G1 network have anything to do with using an Android OS? To be quite honest, I have no idea why you even brought it up. Of course Android OS's provide better mobile performance because they don't horde system resources on the backburner like MS and even Apple.

EDIT: I realize where the problem is. I coudln't figure out why you were bashing me so I reread your OP. I didn't realize you were talking about the G1 phone (google 1) from your second post... I thought you were refering to using a bulky cell phone on G1 networks as a sarcastic tech joke towards the other phone thing.

Kratos Aurion

The CPU is 1.6 Atom and I do have 2G RAM. Agreed you can get a more capable notebook or desktop based on power/dollar. I was looking for portability/size first. Secondarily, it is nice to have a computer that makes no noise at all. The Dell has solid state drive and no fans. The fact that it plays KR at all is pure bonus.
I look forward to having solid state notebooks. Whats funny is the vicious circle technology takes. I bet after awhile, CD drives will be rereplaced with cartridge drives (aka SD). That way all computers will be fully solid state.

I do agree though, that they are nice for portablity and less noise. I just don't like sacraficing crucial system performance. The nice thing is, is that you can buy an Asus for as cheap as 200$ making them expendable/replacable on a yearly basis. In fact, thats why notebook prices have been driven down. I bought a nice Toshiba L305 series for less than 400$


I often use my HP mini and it handles the 2D client fine; not sure I would want to play for hours and hours, but it works well when traveling.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks everone for the info. Had a few different reasons for wanting to get a Netbook. 1) Cheap backup when my desktop takes a dirt nap. 2) Goof off at work. 3) Maybe for use at the local vocational school.

Recently, had to install a new hard drive on my Dell 410xp. Like a dummy I took their free Vista Upgrade. When I installed vista I loss the ability to reformat any Hardrive. Anytime I want to reinstall Windows I have to take to local PC shop, & pay $125 for windows to be installed again :(


are you sure you can't just make a backup disk and reinstall from that? What about making a disk for windows 7 or whatever? I would never pay money to reinstall a program I already paid for.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For some reason it doesen`t recoginize the Dvd when placed in the DvD Drive. The only other option it gives me is to boot or install from an external USB Drive. & I have tried 3 different copies of XP. 2 that are DVD format, & one that is CD format.


Hm, well why not back it up on a usb drive then? It's like what, $20 for a 8gb drive now?

Although I would suggest going into BIOS and setting your dvd/cd player to start first, that will probably fix why it won't let you install windows off a dvd.


I think it should run on most of the newer netbooks. I know that it runs on the Ideapad from Lenovo or on the HP Minis. I think they both have an Atom 1.6 CPU like most of the smaller laptops. But probably it depends on the model you have and the specifications.


Very obvious that Palins "average Joes" are not the majority in UO or maybe just not the majority on stratics. :mf_prop: