Just had soemthing terribly strange happen and wonder if it's ever happened to you all... Here's the scenario:
I decide to take a break from imbuing, so I turn the television on one of my computer monitors. Sit back and watch an episode of south park with UO on one of the other screens. About 15 minutes later (im sitting in Luna by the way, reading all the spam during the commercials) the client crashes, or loses connection, which isn't all that uncommon for me.
I pay it no mind and finish the end of the show and decide to get back to grinding imbuing. Close the client, reopen, login, game loads...and I'm now standing in the middle of the desert!! And hidden to boot...Huh??
Did they put in anti-banksitter code or something?? I'm not in an area that this character has a rune to, didn't run through a moongate, nothing. I'm just randomly parked there, on a toon that doesn't even have a shread of hiding...hidden?!?
I'm lost on this one...any ideas??
I decide to take a break from imbuing, so I turn the television on one of my computer monitors. Sit back and watch an episode of south park with UO on one of the other screens. About 15 minutes later (im sitting in Luna by the way, reading all the spam during the commercials) the client crashes, or loses connection, which isn't all that uncommon for me.
I pay it no mind and finish the end of the show and decide to get back to grinding imbuing. Close the client, reopen, login, game loads...and I'm now standing in the middle of the desert!! And hidden to boot...Huh??
Did they put in anti-banksitter code or something?? I'm not in an area that this character has a rune to, didn't run through a moongate, nothing. I'm just randomly parked there, on a toon that doesn't even have a shread of hiding...hidden?!?
I'm lost on this one...any ideas??