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Anyone Know Why Castles Or Keeps Cant Be Placed In Malas Or Tokuna?


Time Keeper

i think its kind of rubbish that castles and keeps are not allowed to be placed in Malas or Tokuna i think it would be great if that changed. one of my UO dreams is to own a castle or a keep so far that hasn't happened to me maybe it never will but at least if Malas or Tokuna where allowed to have them i would have a better shot at getting one some day. so i would appreciate it if anyone can tell me what the reason is and if theres any chance in the future that they will become available to other places like Malas & Tokuna thanks.


They wanted everyone to have a chance at being able to have an 18 x 18. The Dev team at the time were not fans of Keeps and castles.

Time Keeper

ok thank you is there any chance that they might change that eventually?


If they were allowed, they'd be hogging a lot of space which would otherwise be available to other players. Nice as they are to look at, they do hog real estate like nothing else. And shouldn't IMO be that common, otherwise where is the sense of achievement in owning one?

For an idea, the clearing I live in accommodates an 18x18, 2 large towers, a 12x14 approx and could also fit a log cabin and an 8x8 in front of our tavern. Or 1 castle.

If you want a castle, I'd go to Fel, as it's much easier to buy and trade the necessary plots to acquire the land you need. And it's a much safer place to live than you'd expect.


Time Keeper

only one problem i would never live in fel i just dont like fel pking is not my style.


I haven't been PKd at my house in years
In fact, aside from standing outside a champ dungeon chatting after a harrower, I can't remember my last PKing and I've lived in fel all my UO life. It really isn't a dangerous place unless you move next door to a PvP guild. Even then, you'd be exceptionally unlucky to get killed while walking in your own door.

Unless you're in a PvP hotspot, the only reason you'd be likely to see reds hanging outside your house is if it went IDOC


imported_Fran Fury

I agree Wenchy
I also live and have always lived in fel very rarely see anyone run by.

Places are much easier to find in fel and cheaper too. Just keep your house private and you should have no problems at all. On the off chance someone does come they will probably keep running on by (most likely checking idocs or something). If they do stop, just hide and they will move on quickly. But I really doubt you would have any trouble unless as Wenchy said..you live in a hot spot.

Time Keeper

most players dont want to live in fel i certainly dont. i have a lot of rares and i dont want to ship them with pack animals to a place like fel safe or not i just dont want to lose many millions worth of rares some uber rares when gateing my rares to a fel house there is always that chance slim or not that someone could see me and hide and wait for me to make a trip with a packy or two full of valuables to my new fel house its just not worth the gamble in my opinion. before you say maybe i should sell them so i can buy a castle or keep i am a rare collector and i never sell something i only have one of and even if i did sell all my rares i couldnt buy a castle maybe a keep but not a castle.


Castles and keeps are overrated. I have had both and prefer the tower or 18x18 if done right eg:not a stupid 18x18 4 lvl cube.


Fair enough

I gate from inside my house or petball packies to get super valuable stuff inside safely, but I do realise not everyone likes Fel.



All that is needed to be done is give the same storage to all houses. I could be happy in a small if I had the max allowable storage.


There are castles in Malas. But they are reserved for the winners of some contests, as I remember. Unfortunately only a few were given.


Just to add some insight into the reasoning behind not allowing castles and keeps in malas and tokuno. Tokuno was actually not much of a place for housing the small amount of room there was really needed to have the no keep or castle rule applied to it. however malas is a different story. Malas was designed to add housing room to the game and because they wanted to allow as many players to have a home as possible on that facet at that time the rule no keeps or castles was set in place. I believe this was a good idea at the time but with todays player base I think it should be looked at again. We will hopefully have a new expansion some day and I would hope it has good space for housing above all much like malas and at that time it would be nice to see more chances for players to place castles and keeps.

imported_Savannah Rose

Put your packy on a pet ball and call him to your house after you are inside. That solves the problem of moving your stuff.


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Part of the Malas ban on player-placed castles, according to things said back during the time of the drawing for Malas castles, was that there was something with the two main landmasses that would have had Z-axis issues from them (possibly if players got creative and added more "floors" to them, which was something that the devs originally tolerated - as few, if any, players tried to build off regular houses, custom or standard). The island off the north coast where the contest castles were located was the only one where it wouldn't be as big an issue.

Lord Telchar

On the other hand i don't really need larger space occupied house, I just need more storage so if they can make the storage number the same for castle, keep and 18x18 I'm more than happy to live in a 18x18

Kylie Kinslayer

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Think I remember Mesanna kind of recently saying something about there would be no more storage increases in the near future, if ever.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Think I remember Mesanna kind of recently saying something about there would be no more storage increases in the near future, if ever.
Yea I think I saw that too. It's a bit ironic that the Devs don't want us hoarding a bunch of stuff (reason they won't keep raising storage) but they keep creating a dozen or more deco variations (all the different hues from the guide is the latest example) and adding decoration sets to the UO Store.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yea I think I saw that too. It's a bit ironic that the Devs don't want us hoarding a bunch of stuff (reason they won't keep raising storage) but they keep creating a dozen or more deco variations (all the different hues from the guide is the latest example) and adding decoration sets to the UO Store.
I hear ya... I mean it's like they are all for us keeping them and then trashing them after a few years for high turn in point values ..

I mean yeah, that's what us pixel addicts do o.0

Lord Telchar

Yea I think I saw that too. It's a bit ironic that the Devs don't want us hoarding a bunch of stuff (reason they won't keep raising storage) but they keep creating a dozen or more deco variations (all the different hues from the guide is the latest example) and adding decoration sets to the UO Store.
exactly. and i'm not asking for a general uplift of total storage for all houses, but just bring 18x18 and keep on par with castle.

Kylie Kinslayer

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Stratics Legend
exactly. and i'm not asking for a general uplift of total storage for all houses, but just bring 18x18 and keep on par with castle.
Think she has mentioned at one time that would never be an option because it would cause too much lag...

Absolutely no clue how items secured in a house increases lag, maybe someone smarter than me can come along and explain it :scholar:

Captn Norrington

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It was also an attempt to push people more towards customizable houses. Tons of people still favored the old pre-built designs and they hoped by making it the perfect place to get an 18x18 more people would want to take advantage of the full amount of space by customizing their house.

Lord Telchar

It was also an attempt to push people more towards customizable houses. Tons of people still favored the old pre-built designs and they hoped by making it the perfect place to get an 18x18 more people would want to take advantage of the full amount of space by customizing their house.
if the storage of 18x18 is the same as castle, i’m sure a lot of people will not hesitate to choose 18x18 over castle. Right now the difference is nearly double.

Dryzzid of Atlantic

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I would think it'd be bad business for them to allow castles and keeps outside of Fel/Tram and to add further storage increases. Bigger houses = less houses = less accounts = less income. Same with storage. More storage = less houses = ... well you know where this goes.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if the storage of 18x18 is the same as castle, i’m sure a lot of people will not hesitate to choose 18x18 over castle. Right now the difference is nearly double.
You fit 200 mannequins in 18x18 please show me.

The real reason for not haveing castle storage in a 18x18 is that people would close there accounts becasue they would do with one less storage account.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now I know who created the lag when I walked pass those private house with 200 names showing up on the screen!
Its a castle on Atlantic not a 18x18 between the mannequins and stone work it will crash some client's


I haven't been PKd at my house in years
In fact, aside from standing outside a champ dungeon chatting after a harrower, I can't remember my last PKing and I've lived in fel all my UO life. It really isn't a dangerous place unless you move next door to a PvP guild. Even then, you'd be exceptionally unlucky to get killed while walking in your own door.

Unless you're in a PvP hotspot, the only reason you'd be likely to see reds hanging outside your house is if it went IDOC

Everyone turned chicken and left fel when tram came out so we had no one left to kill. Now I guess they made everything bendable and insured so there is no reason to kill someone. I always had a Red lumberjack named Bruce Lee back in the day for the bonus. If that came out with pre trammel shard no one would be on it lol