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Anyone know what the max luck is?


I have built a suit with 3080 luck which I know can get a little higher to 3090 by changing the chest piece to the Armor of Fortune. I am curious though is that really the highest wearable luck or am I missing something. Also, is there a maximum effective luck?

I do know I can raise it slightly, for me as my account is rather young, with the anniversary statue and being in Fel but again are there any temporary additions I'm not thinking of and do any of them matter?

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lets list by slot for an unmodified list
Earrings 125 yukio
Hat 250 wildfire
Neck 300 mempo
Chest 200 aof
Ring 250
Bracelet 200
125 quiver
150 lucky charm talisman
Minax sandals 150
140 robe
190 hands,arms,legs,shield,weapon
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, that UO Guide thing doesn't account for the Deceit quiver, so the number is 125 more


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have built a suit with 3080 luck which I know can get a little higher to 3090 by changing the chest piece to the Armor of Fortune. I am curious though is that really the highest wearable luck or am I missing something. Also, is there a maximum effective luck?

I do know I can raise it slightly, for me as my account is rather young, with the anniversary statue and being in Fel but again are there any temporary additions I'm not thinking of and do any of them matter?
Little bit of a loaded/tricky question.

Do you mean everything factored in even outside of your suit?

If so these non wearable items factor in:
Fel = +1000 luck
Bushido Perfection = +1000 luck
Lucky Statue = +1450 luck --> Might need this confirmed but I think it's 200base plus 50luck per year of acct age (25yr *50 luck = 1250)
Sphinx = 80 (although I've never gotten this)

Keep in mind that UOGuide list needs updating with the Wildfire mask/luck earrings/luck quiver.

On my vet account 22 years old with my luck suit on I'm at 4090 when I hit the statue (visible luck in my bar) which I'm using the Bleu set of jewels over the compassion eye / primal brace (so still could add another 50 from that). I try to hunt in Fel as much as possible so that would be another 1k so total would be 5090.

With all that said... when you look at what luck actually does in the game is it impacts the chance of more/more intense loot (keep in mind this is not always better loot!!!). So that's where you would use that calculator on UOuide to see how much luck you would need for a 100% chance at luck impacting loot which is 3982. So without going too far down the rabbit hole here, I'd argue that the actual max luck (for impacting things) would be 3982 and anything higher than that is just overkill. It's a bit of a separate topic but I've used my max luck suit for many things to test out the results and have 4K+ luck doesn't seem to be anymore beneficial.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
btw, wasn`t there a 1000 luck bonus if you are at felucca dungeons and:

a good luck bonus helps a lot in getting event arti drops at the treasure events, like that at dungeon deceit right now.


There's also a potential 400 luck bonus from the Underworld fountain.

The chance for a luck roll is Luck^.555 repeating, so there are diminishing returns, but technically no upper limit.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Luck "Cap" itself is also subjective. While 3,982 Luck is the cap to ensure 100% success for bumping up the quantity/intensity of loot found on corpses, Luck's effect for Artifact drops in pack operates on a different formula, and so Luck past 3,982 continues to improve those chances. This applies to Artifact pack drops like from Doom, Shadowguard, and Treasures artifacts.
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The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Lets list by slot for an unmodified list
Earrings 125 yukio
Hat 250 wildfire
Neck 300 mempo
Chest 200 aof
Ring 250
Bracelet 200
125 quiver
150 lucky charm talisman
Minax sandals 150
190 hands,arms,legs,shield,weapon
Con Garb robe, 140


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Luck "Cap" itself is also subjective. While 3,982 Luck is the cap to ensure 100% success for bumping up the quantity/intensity of loot found on corpses, Luck's effect for Artifact drops in pack operates on a different formula, and so Luck past 3,982 continues to improve those chances. This applies to Artifact pack drops like from Doom, Shadowguard, and Treasures artifacts.
Interesting. Is there an equation or formula for that? You are trusted source of knowledge for UO so I wouldn't doubt you are correct but I don't remember seeing/hearing that anywhere. As with most testing of luck at all it's kind of hard to nail down if it's actually working as expressed because of how RNG factors in. Perfect example is that I ran around with my 4090 luck suit (in Fel so I guess 5090) trying to get the begging drops from ToT and had no special drops in the first 1000 or so attempts (eventually did get one). I switched my luck suit over to my T hunter and didn't feel like swapping back to my thief (begger) and went around with 1450 luck in Zento and got a special drop within the first 200 attempts. Probably RNG there but that seems to be the case more than not in my experience; having the highest luck possible doesn't seem to work that well for me.

Little bit of a long winded response there but I'm wondering if at a certain point if X luck (ie 5k perhaps) that your chances at an artifact drop is like 75% etc... so technically doing Shadowguard 10 times you would expect around 7 drops (give or take for RNG but certainly not something low like 1). Anything like that out there?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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IMO luck has NEVER had a factor for begging for treats... but that's just my opinion... the Bills have never worn any luck... and have been successful in getting special treats for years.


I've read where a Game Designer said that luck affects the drop rate during the Treasures Events, and supposedly Trick or Treating but I wasn't aware that it played a part in either Doom or Shadowguard except for the body loot. @PlayerSkillFTW could we get more information on this and how it works please?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've read where a Game Designer said that luck affects the drop rate during the Treasures Events, and supposedly Trick or Treating but I wasn't aware that it played a part in either Doom or Shadowguard except for the body loot. @PlayerSkillFTW could we get more information on this and how it works please?
Doom's drop system has been changed several times, but has always been affected by Luck in some manner. At first, the % chance for an artifact to drop (which was actually public loot on the corpse when Doom first released) was based on the Luck of the top attacker. Then they changed it to where the Artifact would drop directly into the pack of one of the top attackers. In all these cases, each Doom Boss had a 0.1% chance to drop a Doom Artifact, with the Dark Father having the highest % chance at 1%, and these chances were further increased by Luck.
With Pub 48, they changed the Doom Artifact Reward system to be more like ToT, where each boss kill would accumulate reward points, and the higher your reward points the greater the chance of getting an Artifact drop in pack on boss kill, which would reset your reward points. Having higher Luck increases the amount of reward points you get per kill, same as with ToT and other events based off of it (like the current "Treasures of " Events). Publish 48 - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia

As for Shadowguard Artifact drop chances, Kyronix stated that Luck increases the chance to receive an artifact. Tweaks to Shadowguard Rooms, specifically Belfry


Slightly Crazed
Once again, Kyronix re-iterating that every system uses Luck differently.
Hope one day @Kyronix will also add increased luck bonus for Humility virtue. Which considering debuff to your and pet's /summons resists (-70 to each) should at least double your luck. That will be real Bloodbath ! Of course after fixing pets resists which now return to normal if pet died and resurrected.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Little bit of a long winded response there but I'm wondering if at a certain point if X luck (ie 5k perhaps) that your chances at an artifact drop is like 75% etc... so technically doing Shadowguard 10 times you would expect around 7 drops (give or take for RNG but certainly not something low like 1). Anything like that out there?
Shadowguard drop rate is 67% no drop 33% drop , so its 2/3 chance at no drop and 1/3 at a drop.
Luck does help a little bit but we don't know by how much, my guess is nothing drastic, could a few more % (1-4%) because I've done roof few times with luck suits and didn't see much improvement from the 1/3 drop chance.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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with the addition of some more and higher and yet unused slots on our guys the max luck suit has changed some.
i also notice UOguide has not been updated in yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.
thought maybe i new master list of the best obtainable luck suit might be beneficial for some people to look at.

125 Earrings Yukio's
290 Hat Spined Orc Helm
300 Neck Big L's Mempo
200 Chest AoF
250 Ring Compassion eye
200 Bracelet Primal Consumption
150 Back Feudal cloak of elements
150 Talisman lucky charm
150 Foot Minax sandals
140 Robe Conj Garb
150 Belt Defiler's Grasp
190x5 hands, arms, legs, shield, weapon

3055 Suit Total

PLUS Luck Statue for 27 year old account = 1550

4605 Suit and Luck Statue

this is suit and statue only, add +80 for Lynx and +1000 for Perfection = 5685
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The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
now we just need to pressure the powers that be for a luck sash.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Personally, I think this would be more helpful if the luck values could be sorted on so that all the highest values were at the top (sorting seems to be on the first number currently - maybe it's a text field??). That link is helpful to see what the higher artifacts are but it's not going to account for the 5 items listed above that are going to be crafted and enhanced to 190 luck (gloves, sleeves, legs, shield, & weapon).