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anyone have toons on catskills?



i need a mil on cats, anyone want to trade a mil there for a mil here on sonoma?

thank you


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you tried doing the Ricardo quests over there on noobie chars. You should be able to get at least one or two of each by running a couple chars through it and even if you sell them lowball you should still be able to get a couple mil.


dont know much about that type of stuff, where do you start? or a link to a walk through would be better.

maybe i can do it with you and the posse on ATL once so i can see whats up. my play time is limited tonight but i might be around for about an hour at 6pm pst, or we can shoot for this weekend



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll be in vent tonight so just mention it and I or someone can run you through the quest on Sonoma. It takes about a minute per char once you have the spots marked.