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Anyone have runes for Ricardos quest?

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend

Haven't played for a couple months. I've been poking around and see this new Ricardos quest and was wondering if someone has an accessible and updated rune library with all locations required for this quest?

Thanks! :)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have set runes for Each day all labeled at Kahlan Rahl Vendor Mall (Teleporter to Abyss Home :)) by the Red Parrot. Enjoy & shop while your there :thumbup1:.

** UPDATE Put them all in the Red Rune Book by the parrot. The 2 Red Runes are extra spots if you want to visit the other 2 Clue Locations (Ricardo in the Yew Prison & Avery to tell you where to find Ricardo)

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I did end up making my own runes last night (it was pretty easy to find all the spots), but your library will make it much faster for me. And I should have a rune to a good vendor mall anyway. Where is it located? :)


PS: Is there a Richard Rahl Vendor Mall too? :p

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I also have a book locked down on my front steps (first house outside west Umbra gate), that I'll be updating each evening.

PS - Look Bliss! My sig is showing up finally :) Thanks again for the killer sig and avatar :) :) :)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I did end up making my own runes last night (it was pretty easy to find all the spots), but your library will make it much faster for me. And I should have a rune to a good vendor mall anyway. Where is it located? :)


PS: Is there a Richard Rahl Vendor Mall too? :p
Well there is a Richard Rahl, but he's been kinda MIA for a lil on us :(.
Vendor Hs is located in the NW Inside corner of Luna (Has a green floor with vendors on 2 sides & Stacks of Dye Tubs & of Course our Red Parrot :))

Kahlan Rahl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OMG!, I logged in tonight and took a look at the vendor house and thought to my self..."man this place is a mess" so i decided to take up things that were in the way of the items Snakeman put down. I threw them in box, took a few items here and a few items there.... well to make a long story short, after reading the forums, I suddenly remembered CRAP! I took up the red parrot and I am not sure if I took it here or there! and now of course I cant find it...I will keep looking and put it back.. but all the runes and books are still there. I am very sorry Snake:lol:


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mrs Clean strikes again :eek:. But we all just know she will find it again rolleyes:, yup she will honest :lol:.


OMG!, I logged in tonight and took a look at the vendor house and thought to my self..."man this place is a mess" so i decided to take up things that were in the way of the items Snakeman put down. I threw them in box, took a few items here and a few items there.... well to make a long story short, after reading the forums, I suddenly remembered CRAP! I took up the red parrot and I am not sure if I took it here or there! and now of course I cant find it...I will keep looking and put it back.. but all the runes and books are still there. I am very sorry Snake:lol: