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Its uo. I was in game .. step freeze step freeze step froze solid. logged.. 3 trys to get in. nothing. last try to get in got in but froze after 2 steps crashed. I run 2 d
Its uo. I was in game .. step freeze step freeze step froze solid. logged.. 3 trys to get in. nothing. last try to get in got in but froze after 2 steps crashed. I run 2 d
It has to be just your area Spell & Mil, for I have been in game for the last 2 hrs+ & not 1 bit of lag or studdering. Must be them Comcrust hammies slacking off again
It has to be just your area Spell & Mil, for I have been in game for the last 2 hrs+ & not 1 bit of lag or studdering. Must be them Comcrust hammies slacking off again
Nope... Don't you know, it's part of the new Stimulus Package. The government puts random lag with packet loss spikes into the internet, and people get frustrated with their "slow" connection, then want to upgrade. Upgrades generate revenue for the ISP, taxes for the government and new jobs for everyone! After everyone gets the new faster connections, the government starts lagging those... it's a vicious never ending cycle.
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