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Player News anyone else have this issue? please help.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this starting happening to me about 2 years ago. i'll try to keep the post short in an attempt to keep people from ignoring my plea. as many players know setting up each toons desktop (spell hotspot keys, and other such things) can be very time consuming, especially once you have things arranged "just the way you like it" . for whatever strange reason, every time i log out, i get a little grey box on my PC that says " fatal: " then i'm sent directly to my pc desktop, not given the option to just pick another toon. then, when i log all the way back in, zero of any of my hotkeys i placed on my toon's screen are there anymore. i was considering un-installing UO and re-installing, though i would dread having to do this. has anyone ever heard of, or seen anything like this? also, my guildmates tell me that my toon still shows as logged in, even when i'm not. . . . please help.
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The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
I would recommend doing 2 file checks,
The first is UO, on the patcher screen check the full file check button on the bottom.

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, I would try a windows system file check

run the windows command prompt in admin mode (search CMD) and type SFC/scannow


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would recommend doing 2 file checks,
The first is UO, on the patcher screen check the full file check button on the bottom.

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, I would try a windows system file check

run the windows command prompt in admin mode (search CMD) and type SFC/scannow
ok, i tried the "patcher screen" button.. i've never known what that was for, lol. that didn't work. so now i'm trying to figure out how to go into "admin mode" on my PC. and.....btw, thank you for the speedy response, that was really cool of you. :)

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
you right click the command prompt program and select run as administrator.

Are you using Pinco's UI or the default UI?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this starting happening to me about 2 years ago. i'll try to keep the post short in an attempt to keep people from ignoring my plea. as many players know setting up each toons desktop (spell hotspot keys, and other such things) can be very time consuming, especially once you have things arranged "just the way you like it" . for whatever strange reason, every time i log out, i get a little grey box on my PC that says " fatal: " then i'm sent directly to my pc desktop, not given the option to just pick another toon. then, when i log all the way back in, zero of any of my hotkeys i placed on my toon's screen are there anymore. i was considering un-installing UO and re-installing, though i would dread having to do this. has anyone ever heard of, or seen anything like this? also, my guildmates tell me that my toon still shows as logged in, even when i'm not. . . . please help.
Any time you see that type of crash you should log in a toon from some shard you don't use often. Because as you notice, you lose the desktop setup you were using.

I have my main setups saved under a false name so I can get them back when this happens.

This only happens to me about twice a year.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Any time you see that type of crash you should log in a toon from some shard you don't use often. Because as you notice, you lose the desktop setup you were using.

I have my main setups saved under a false name so I can get them back when this happens.

This only happens to me about twice a year.
By this you mean a bug but since it's not often it's ok..


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
By this you mean a bug but since it's not often it's ok..
Ya but it is because Windows crashed UO. Go whine to them. It affects the next character you log in. But most log in the one that just crashed.

Lord Obsidian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Is this EC or CC?

In CC, the small "fatal"-box at logout could mean that the client failed at writing back your char specific settings to disk.
Check the corresponding user directory & files for privileges / write protection enabled?
Does this also occur when you click "apply" in the client options menu? (which instantly writes the char specific user settings to disk)

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
The problem is, someone posts a problem, people give possible solution.

Person fixes the problem but doesn't return to say what solution was.

Now can't help next person with same problem.