I have an existing bladeweaver/peacemaker who does frequent PvM hunts (treasure, Doom gauntlet, etc) with his guildmates on Atlantic. Calm's goal template is currently:
120: Throwing
110: Peacemaking, Music
100: Tactics, ResistingSpells
100: Chivalry
80: Meditate
The Resisting Spells power doesn't seem to be offering any strong benefit for the large parties he is in, and I'm thinking of doing something else with those points. I could go two ways. The first would be just a straight substitution of Bushido, making a sort of "tbc" thrower. The second idea would be to learn Discordance, up to a 110 skill level. If I went that way, I'd drop Chiv or Meditate by 10.
Any ideas or counter-suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
120: Throwing
110: Peacemaking, Music
100: Tactics, ResistingSpells
100: Chivalry
80: Meditate
The Resisting Spells power doesn't seem to be offering any strong benefit for the large parties he is in, and I'm thinking of doing something else with those points. I could go two ways. The first would be just a straight substitution of Bushido, making a sort of "tbc" thrower. The second idea would be to learn Discordance, up to a 110 skill level. If I went that way, I'd drop Chiv or Meditate by 10.
Any ideas or counter-suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.