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Anybody from the old guild Lost Soul Searchers still play?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello all,

I played UO for several years on this shard and was one of the officers in Lost Soul Searchers. I have thought about coming back, but I am looking to reconnect with old guildies if I can. If any of you used to be in the guild and remember Martel, please reply here. In particular I am looking for an old guildie that used to have a nice little nonsense thread on here with me, we even got one of the mods in on the act for a while - she musta done it to break up the monotony of being a guard. I miss my old friends and am hoping that some of them are still around.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
Martel (formerly used usrename medic4677, but couldn't get it to redo my password, etc).

Also, if anybody has any suggestions for getting in touch with EA about renewing my sub, I would appreciate it. They evidently did something and now I cannot even access my old accounts... :(