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[Discussion] Anybody else collect old odd player named stuff?

Darius Bloodbain

Stratics Veteran
I find myself sometimes attracted to old double exceptional stuff and old player crafted stuff with
Odd names attached. Like "an exceptional Barbed Leather Tunic crafted by Super Man - Exceptional"

Stuff like that where long gone players who had a sense of imagination and humor, left their mark behind.
Just wondered if anyone else likes that kinda stuff. I know it is not worth a great deal on the rares market,
but I consider it fun to look for old odd stuff like that and display it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
It's not exactly player crafted, but it is player named; I have a guildstone named "Wild Monkey Love"; an AoS rose for "getting a beer" and a personal bless deed for "a dork". I figure the dork who named his guild Wild Monkey Love probably had one too many beers.....


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its an excellent thing to start collecting. i have about 20 pieces and a few full suits with names that i like. i still keep an eye out for names, or for ones with mods like lrc.