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Any tamers on ?? Nuri needs a pet res LUNA



Any tamers on that can res a beetle ? Nuriko needs a beetle res in Luna,

she was pkd in Umbra and all contents on her and in bug, for Aeric's Memorial building, now been looted dry but can she please get a pet res for her bug at least by someone online now ?


No, I have lost a lot today...for one thing the faith in my fellow players...I had to log. Not sure at this point if I will coem back anytime soon...when it stops being fun time to quit.


The items are all gone from her corpse and her beetles, save for one blessed heritage token.

I posted hoping she get a pet res at that time but then she had to log out. These items, she had collected together and spent also lots of gp to purchase were to go and for the new Memorial building for Aeric/Ginsu etc.

imported_Luka Melehan

Whoever took Nuri's stuff, we would be willing to buy the stuff back if you aren't inclined to give it back. We are collecting thngs for Aeric Horn's memorial, things which people have been willing to give up freely to be placed or used in his honor. If we can come to some arrangement, nothing else would be said about it. Otherwise...your name is being passed around. i wouldn't log in if I were you.

Patty Pickaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the things are not returned/sold back, please contact me. I would be willing to help replace (by donation) some of the items you lost.


what exactly was lost? if i have it, pm skylark with it and she can yoink it out of my bank/house to replace it.

and yes, i used the word yoink



what exactly was lost? if i have it, pm skylark with it and she can yoink it out of my bank/house to replace it.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is very sweet.

*looks in Castor's bank*

Nuri, if what you lost includes a DP pot, a pet crystal ball linked to "A Sexy Beast", a stack of 23 bandaids, a couple of gold checks, and 120 or so pieces of blaze clothing, we are in luck!


and yes, i used the word yoink

[/ QUOTE ]

*consults Pocket Guide to Game Forum Coolness*

It is as I suspected. Coolness point loss by invoking the word "yoink" is permanent.




Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have 3 benches and 2 small tables crafted by Ginsu, that you can have. Please post list of items need.


I have 2 armour pieces with his name on that U can have too if U want...



No, I have lost a lot today...for one thing the faith in my fellow players...I had to log. Not sure at this point if I will coem back anytime soon...when it stops being fun time to quit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nuri, do not let this get you down. Attempts are being made to recover the items. Even if not successful, we need you. *hugs* Hang in there baby.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did anyone get list of item that where lost and are needed yet?


Spree, those would be great. The first floor is going to be a sort of park &amp; garden devoted a lot to the Ginsu character, and it would be ideal to use benches with Ginsu's mark on them.
