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any of you guys manage to solo Semidar on a tamer?


i tried earlier using a cu and a giant beetle, ran out of time 20-30 minutes in after a few rezes and had barely put a dent in her all while running myself ragged keeping the bets (barely) alive.

I wont be doing demon spawn solo again unless there's some trick i'm missing.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL I was doing with a group on my male archer. I shoot her 2 times and I died a couple times. I sat off to the side and provoked a few things onto her.

She a Mean pancake.


but how do i tell if my pets are male or female?

lol she might still be wandering around t2a desert if you wanna take a shot at her.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ill see if you are on when I can play soon. We can hunt her down and Ill check your pets Gender.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I haven't solo'd her on a tamer but 2 of us took her on just fine... We had one who was a bard doing discord and they stayed in range with the pets healing using bandages and such while I remained further out of her range... this way when he got pasted I could rez... worked just fine.


ah, yeah, vetting was a no-go as my toons are male. if i get that close its game over. I could keep the pet alive with one toon running consume and the other spamming gheal, but I ran out of time before i made any kind of dent in her health.

LOL i was waiting for a response like that Keith!