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Any clue what staff of pyros sell for?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a staff of pyros on baja just wondering how much do you think these are worth? Considering they seem pretty rare so far, and if someone gets one chances are they won't want to sell it.


Unitil the event is over it will be difficult to say, even at that point the total number spawned will likely be impossible to calculate, and its very possible EA will relocate the invasion artifacts to a dungeon or other location.

To answer your question though I have not seen any for sale but I have observed individuals interested in purchasing one, offering about 10-15m.

Mind you if no one is willing to sell this item then the value will be ZERO...


Not the 40 mill that one was being pawned for the other night on GL. There are two on Origin in Luna, one for 16 the other for 20. I know one was sold on GL for 8. So somewhere around there. Of course you have the opportunity to set the market.


I remember last year when someone paid 90m for the first Reaper's Sycthe on ATL, and then much to their dismay observed the price plummet from the hefty sum they paid to the current 4-7m almost over night


Not much now. The turned on all the demon types.

Berserkers 15 million
2 days later 10 million
2 days later 5 million
Now 2.5 million.

The other arties are in the same boat.

As of this moment Id say 5 million.


Is that info for Atl? Many shards aside from Atl have had a slower spawn rate and progression, so based off that theoretically the drop rate for artifacts should be lower as well. At least until the progression on other shards catches up


I would say try get shut as quick as u can because prices will drop like lead balloons....and very fast too....berserkers sythes down to 1m on europa already...theres like one on every other berserker and theres soooo many of em the market is flooded....hope u have luck but the trick is...if u get em quick= sell em quicker.....if u wait u lose...


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Stratics Legend
A little logic would come in handy.

Berserkers scythe:
- Crappy weapon
- Spawns lot more often

- Same mod as staff of magi i.e. good mods
- Has a new special effect i.e. neat
- Spawns lot less
- Staff of magi itself sells for 4-6M depending on shard

So, in short, unless they boost up the spawn of pyros (or vorpal), it is quite safe to say that they will be worth lot more than scythe. I also do not see them dropping like a brick if current spawn rate is maintained. They will behave like the other rare spawn weapons of previous invasions.


Thinks back to the paragon crap we all throw away now!!!!!!!!!!

Evil Galad

I've sold 3 on LA for 8 million each. All sold very quickly on my vendor.


Heh.. 200k is a lot for me...

So.. Id be willing to sell mine on Napa for 8,10 or 15M if one wants to buy one there.