Paroxy can be done easyly with soulseeker: you have too leech a lot, and quickly, due to his poison
I think with soulseeker + Mace&Shield you shouldnt have any problem
I personally go in that Palace with those skills:
120 bushi
120 sword
120 tactics
120 healing
120 anatomy
45 chivalry
75 chivalry
No parry..
dext 140 to heal myself each 4 second
The usual equip: RBC, M&S, Fey, Jackal, Nobility
I put one high reisist/lmc sleeves, with jewels and nobility i reach 63 DI, i usually put Void because i cant reach 40 lmc..
I use a 15 12 fc 1 shield, so i can achieve dci 50 hci 45
Full 70s
With this, you should have problem
I havent tryed with a parry template, but i can manage to do it even with the combination 60 necro + SS: i was used to put 66 dext and i have high mana and strenght ^^