I don't know if anyone remembers my old rune library. It was called BSL Rune Library. It closed about 4 to 5 year ago. It was located between east brit, and the swamp if you followed the road. In it's time, it was one of the largest on the shard.
When I made my return to UO about a year back, I found that a lot of my runes had become blocked because of landscape changes. I have been toying with the idea of opening another rune library. But I'd basically have to start from scratch again. Before I go though all the effort and trouble of finding a suitable location, remarking runes, and actually setting up, I wanted to ask if the Catskills population thinks we have need for another library. I don't do anything half-way, so I would again try to gather as many runes as I could possibly get my grubby little hands on. So we're not talking about a small undertaking here. What do you guys and gals think? Comments/Ideas would be much appreciated.
When I made my return to UO about a year back, I found that a lot of my runes had become blocked because of landscape changes. I have been toying with the idea of opening another rune library. But I'd basically have to start from scratch again. Before I go though all the effort and trouble of finding a suitable location, remarking runes, and actually setting up, I wanted to ask if the Catskills population thinks we have need for another library. I don't do anything half-way, so I would again try to gather as many runes as I could possibly get my grubby little hands on. So we're not talking about a small undertaking here. What do you guys and gals think? Comments/Ideas would be much appreciated.