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Another Returning T-Hunter


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After several years I have found myself once again in Sosaria.

When I last left, I found that I was fragmented in too many directions and it made the game more of a job than a game. I have always enjoyed treasure hunting and dungeon rares collecting. As a result I have decided to make characters to handle each set of tasks. Any advise would be great for either character.

Treasure Hunter

Cartography 100 (done)
Lockpicking 100 (done)
Magery 100 (currently 110)
Meditation 100 (currently 110)
Eval Int 100 (currently 110)
Mining 100 (done)
Mysticism 100 (haven't started)

I can move Cartography off to a soul stone when I hunt after i have decoded the maps. Is this a decent template? What skills should i power scroll above 100?

I have GM Fishing and Hiding that I plan to move off to the rares hunter.

Dungeon Rares Hunter

Stealing 120 (haven't started but have the power scroll)
Hiding 100 (done)
Stealth (haven't started)
Magery 100
Meditation 100
Eval Int 100 or Resisting Spells 100
Wrestling 100 (haven't started)

Any advise or thoughts would help. The forums have been useful to my return and I appreciate the information. So much to learn!

Priam (Sonoma)
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Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
If your going for mystic then I would drop the med and go for focus. Focus is like eval intel for a mystic.


Stratics Veteran
My treasure hunter has a similar build. I didn't bother with Eval for magery, however, since most of the spells that I cast for 1v1 damage [which is pretty rare I'm attacking something 1v1] are mysticism based spells and buffed by having Focus.
I use Magery strictly for a quality of life improvement with gate, res, heal, etc.

I'm able to solo all maps up to level 6 with a RC and some AOE damage spells from time to time.
I run:
Cart 100
LP 100
Magery 100
Mystic 120
Focus 120
Meditation 109
Mining 71

Definitely consider getting Myst up to 120 to decrease your chances of failing on a RC. Nothing is worse than failing to cast RC when you've got 2-3 Ancient Wyrms chasing you down unmounted.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My treasure hunter has a similar build. I didn't bother with Eval for magery, however, since most of the spells that I cast for 1v1 damage [which is pretty rare I'm attacking something 1v1] are mysticism based spells and buffed by having Focus.
I use Magery strictly for a quality of life improvement with gate, res, heal, etc.

I'm able to solo all maps up to level 6 with a RC and some AOE damage spells from time to time.
I run:
Cart 100
LP 100
Magery 100
Mystic 120
Focus 120
Meditation 109
Mining 71

Definitely consider getting Myst up to 120 to decrease your chances of failing on a RC. Nothing is worse than failing to cast RC when you've got 2-3 Ancient Wyrms chasing you down unmounted.
I like your template and i think i will start training mysticism :D
A question tough: i have no soulstone at the moment, and my T-hunter double as my fisher.
Do you think this template could do well, and be useful in doing Tmaps, Mibs and other fishing related activities?

Cartography 100
Lockpicking 100
Magery 100
Mystic 120
Focus 120
Fishing 100
Mining 80

Is the lack of Meditation crippling, or it would be only mean more time to do the map (to regen mana)?
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Crazed Zealot
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I do just fine with 120 focus, some 18 MR on my suit.
Usually, you won't be casting much if you go with the mystic route.
You will use arcane empowerment (if you have SW), drop a RC, invis, rinse, repeat.
Sometimes you will drop WOD on the big nasties to speed things up a bit if you have SW as well. Works good with those pesky Ancient Wyrms.


Stratics Veteran
I like your template and i think i will start training mysticism :D
A question tough: i have no soulstone at the moment, and my T-hunter double as my fisher.
Do you think this template could do well, and be useful in doing Tmaps, Mibs and other fishing related activities?

Cartography 100
Lockpicking 100
Magery 100
Mystic 120
Focus 120
Fishing 100
Mining 80

Is the lack of Meditation crippling, or it would be only mean more time to do the map (to regen mana)?
You'll be perfectly fine without meditation as long as you try to get the 40 LMC on your suit and as much mana regen as you can fit. Unless I'm having my RC constantly killed or dispelled, I find that I have enough time between summons to regain the initial mana cost.
I've often considered dropping meditation for fishing, but I don't think the life of a fisherman is one that appeals to me too much.

Also, keep in mind that you need 81 mining in order to dig within 3 tile spaces of the treasure map. It's fine if you want to leave it at 80, but you'll need Jacob's Pickaxe [a New Haven quest item] or a pair of +5 Mining gloves. At 80 mining you'll need to be within 2 tiles of the treasure chest.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You'll be perfectly fine without meditation as long as you try to get the 40 LMC on your suit and as much mana regen as you can fit. Unless I'm having my RC constantly killed or dispelled, I find that I have enough time between summons to regain the initial mana cost.
I've often considered dropping meditation for fishing, but I don't think the life of a fisherman is one that appeals to me too much.

Also, keep in mind that you need 81 mining in order to dig within 3 tile spaces of the treasure map. It's fine if you want to leave it at 80, but you'll need Jacob's Pickaxe [a New Haven quest item] or a pair of +5 Mining gloves. At 80 mining you'll need to be within 2 tiles of the treasure chest.
Thanks for the answers. I will get the Jacob's Pickaxe as i plan on getting mining from scratch.
I will start working on my suit ... and then try and get some Tmaps to solve hehe :D

DreadLord Lestat

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Have you tried finding them without mining? If you can do it without mining, it saves a lot of skill points for something else or going higher on your current skills.

If you are using the Enhanced Client with Pinco's UI and Cartographer, you really don't need mining. My treasure hunter is a tamer and it is a tight template so I chose to go without mining.

First I enlarge the treasure map using Pinco's and then I zoom in on cartographer till they are about the same viewpoint. I carefully find the center of the X on the treasure map and look for landmarks near it and then I compare on Cartogtrapher. On Cartographer, I mark the spot where I think it is and then travel there. Once there, I use my macro for digging it up and dig in circles around the spot going farther and farther till I find it. I usually have most spots found within 30-60 seconds. It is rare for it to be longer then 90 seconds to find it.
It is a mapping client that works with the Enhanced Client.

You can get UO Cartographer HERE.

If you have problems getting it setup, let me know. :)

You can find the entire thread HERE.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you tried finding them without mining? If you can do it without mining, it saves a lot of skill points for something else or going higher on your current skills.

You can find the entire thread HERE.
Read all the thread, very useful and good news for me.
Here in Europa there are still "treasure map libraries"... are they useful now?
Using those, i never had reasons to raise mining even in the past. :D

DreadLord Lestat

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Read all the thread, very useful and good news for me.
Here in Europa there are still "treasure map libraries"... are they useful now?
Using those, i never had reasons to raise mining even in the past. :D
Sometimes it can get you close to the area so you don't have to run as much. The maps now are random locations, I have done a lot and don't think I have ever done the same spot twice. If you don't like a location due to bad spawn, put the map away and check again in 30 days. It will reset to tattered after 30 days and will be a different location when you decode it.

On Chesapeake, I helped build this system HERE. Some shards have copied it so if you look around, yours may have it too.
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