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Annoying Pet AI and applying simple logic


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
This is something that has annoyed me in the past and I let it slide but has reared its head now that I've gone back to do a spot of pet training.

Has the issue of pet AI and spell logic been battled out with devs?

Here are some fine examples:

On high health mobs, pets with discordance may only attempt once or twice and sometimes never atall (with 120 Disco)! On lower health mobs it is even rarer to see it be used. Sometimes it feels like disco is not worth the effort on a pet.

Logic: Is target disco'ed? No, then attempt to disco as a higher priority.

I think we all feel this one.

Logic: Is EOO on target? No, then cast EOO as a higher priority. Has target type changed? Yes, then de-cast immediately. No, then leave it the hell alone!

This one is just silly. It's usually during the optimum window that it doesn't bother casting it and probably why no one wastes the skill on a pet!

Logic: Is target below x% health? No, then don't for the love of god try to cast Word of Death!!! Yes, then attempt to cast WoD as a higher priority.

I've never messed around with Magery Mastery but I believe Arch Protection is still an issue? There are probably many other glaringly obvious logic fails when it comes to pet abilities.
I'm not saying they should be 100% in the priority, but these things should be higher.

Poison is a perfect example of logic working sensibly, ie. If your pet can cure there is a good 99% chance it will attempt to cure itself when poisoned.


Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I agree the AI logics are odd because the way they pilot. The only AI that seems thoroughly hashed out is the Magery AI, and I think that is just years of work layered together. It would be nice. Chiv and Mysticism (I think) do prioritize Cleanse By Fire/ Cleansing Wind when they are poisoned, but the AI logics could be cleaned up a bit.

the only one I don’t see is the EoO. If you take a pet with Chiv to a high density mob area, it will waste its entire mana pool recasting EoO over and over as it switches targets. My chivies never stay on target more than a few seconds are champ spawns (very annoying at level 4 turtle) but I take it anyway because it rips the fastest.

Another one maybe is if attacked by summons, prioritizing Dispel (mage and Chiv). The boss AIs do it, why not the pets?