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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nest Tuesday, December 1st after the 7:30 am Central - server up on Baja, the grand opening of the Smithsonian Museums will take place.

Shard = Baja
Location = First three houses East Exit of Umbra City
Smithsonian - West Wing (Manticore)
Smithsonian - East Wing (Lineman)
Smithsonian - South Wing (Laina)

All three of us have been working hard to make this a great experience for you.

To complete this tour, if you go back to Umbra and take the west exit, immediately on your right is the Lord and Lady Courage's Musuem filled with many Baja Seer Items dated between 1997-1999.

In addition, if you hop back into the gate and head to luna, there are two houses on each side of the east exit, one is owned by Jinx (many baja specific items and other things of interests) and the other is the rubble house (The entire house is made of rubbles except for the bulletin board).

So come spend a hour or two visting these places and get a peak from the past to present.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got a preview folks and this is one unbelievable display.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A little more information about my musuem. There are 4 floors. To access them, there are 3 hidden telepads on the first floor under the lady in red portrait. But I would advise you to start on the telepad on the right of the portrait, then under the portrait, then left of the portrait to get the full effects. Enjoy..... Leaves comments after the tour please. Remember its tomorrow morning after server up around 7:30 AM central.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am in awe. This is the most impressive display of rares I've seen.

I'm really torn, as I've told Manticore, between being inspired and discouraged for my humble little Catskills Museum. Either way, it is just mind boggling the number of event items you guys have amassed.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I truly breathtaking sight :) Best rares collection i've ever seen! Some very cool items and some funny ones. What does that imbued portrait look like when you equip it manticore? lol.

But very very impressive, nice work guys :) Very inspiring, hopefully one day i can get back into collecting rares but i can only dream to make a collection like that :)

So Amazing

Very nice collection.

I wish I knew the story behind the rares though.


I'm really torn, as I've told Manticore, between being inspired and discouraged
Hehe I told him the same thing when I first saw the museum. He wants us to be inspired not discouraged. I know, easier said then done!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Manti was kind enough to give a friend and me a preview of his museum.

Between the meticulous way he has arranged his items and the rares themselves, I was amazed. His collection is truly impressive.