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Announcement from Queen Dawn - Event 2/13 6pm EST

EM Barnaby

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To all Citizens and those who would call Themselves Friend of Brittania,

At this late hour in the conflict with the Bane Chosen that has so enveloped our lives, I embark on a mission of hope. I have learned of a weapon that may allow us to finally defeat Virtuebane and end the terror that he has brought to our land. We have had to persevere through much in recent memory, but this valiance has brought victory. Victory over the great evil of Ix Tab, and victory over the invading forces that would take our fair cities and towns.

The time has come to finally defeat the Bane Chosen, and guided by the Virtues, vanquish their leader. To this end I call upon all Guards and able-bodied warriors to meet in front of the Castle three days hence. From here we shall depart on our mission, and take the first of the final steps in defeating Virtuebane.

Her Majesty,

Queen Dawn


Meet in front of the Castle (Trammel), armed and ready on:

Sunday, February 13th

6:00 pm EST


I wish I could have went.

RL calls me at the worst times.