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Announcement for Pandora

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lady Pandora recently suffered a deeply personal loss when one very close to her was killed in a car crash. This person was as close to her as a brother, though not blood, he was family.

She will be leaving tomorrow for the funeral and to get his affairs in order, and at this time fully expects to be absent from UO for a period of two weeks. Seeing that many of COD were also either friends of the man, or offering support to Pandy in her loss, they may also be away from the game.

To this end, Pandora, Barnaby and others will not be able to attend events until all is settled. The Full Moon Ball will need to be postponed to a later date, and some other plans put on hold until her return.

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the notice Aedon. My thoughts go out to Pandora and her family and friends

*removes tricorn*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I want to thank my friends in UO for the time that's been allowed me to be able to get my best friend/brother's affairs in order. It definitely took longer than I expected; most of that being my emotional state needing to process this loss. I am going to be returning to UO, along with my close friends, so I do hope to see you all around. In character, CoD was "back on Earth for a while tending to the grand opening of their Paris theatre"... hehe.

I can promise that CoD will be once again devoted to throwing the biggest RP parties in town. I hope you do come join us. :)